Chewbacca Abercrombie

My mother was once explaining the plot of a movie to someone in great detail while I happened to be in the same room only half paying attention. When she got done I realized she was talking about a plot that sounded interesting and I asked what movie she was talking about. Then she told me she was talking about The

Yeah. It's not fun. I lucked out and the place I wanted had two empty apartments available and multiple people applying, but somehow I got one. Good luck to you in your search!

This weekend I'll mainly be playing Move Into My New Apartment. The apartment seems pretty nice and I'm excited about it. My TV and Xbox will be the first things set up, I'm not even sure if I'll have a couch or a bed yet, but at least I'll have games.

[More Spoilers] That and the dog. I played catch with him and thought he was my new friend, but then… That was an incredibly sad moment for me.

I would have loved to be able to remove the dialogue on replays after certain checkpoints in Gears of War. I died, my punishment should be to replay the part and do better, not be forced to walk super slowly and listen to the same conversation I've already heard ten times before being given back full control.

The game sounds interesting, but I'm confused that there's a real life photo of Keanu Reeves included with all the screenshots. Or maybe that is a cartoon version of him. With Keanu it's hard to tell the difference though.

That trailer was pretty awesome. I would play the hell out of that. I love almost anything Lovecraftian. I think I'm like 80% done reading the complete collection I have of his stories. I really need to finish that. And watch In the Mouth of Madness again.

Good luck with the job search. Hope you find something you like.

Thanks a lot! Very helpful. With that rating site I was able to find out the place I'm thinking about is very highly rated. Now hopefully I can get in there and it ends up living up to that.

I'm terrible at recommending games to people. My logic is "I loved this game, you should too! Play it! NOW!" That doesn't work a lot of the time. But it's still right…

I never found Kalameet. I need to do that eventually. Manus was the only boss I found and didn't kill in my first playthrough. I tried. What a pain in the ass. I'll have to kill him next time though, just so I know I've killed everything there is to kill in Dark Souls.

This comment just made me feel kind of awful about not liking Duck at all. In your shoes I guess a lot of season one would have been incredibly different than my experience with it was. That part with the dog made me pretty sad as well though. I wouldn't go so far as to say you're a bad parent, but that's some

Jesus, hahaha. I don't think things will go quite that far, but I think it'd be a pretty interesting twist if they did. I hope that Sarah kid's more likable than Duck. I was more than willing to volunteer to end him so Kenny didn't have to. That kid did nothing but piss me off.

That's why I gave the guy water as well. I wanted to refuse so badly, but I was hoping he'd talk if I gave him water.

Since the comment I'm replying to says spoilers am I already covered? >>>SPOILERS!!!<<< anyway. I did all the same. Was kind of surprised when the game said only 48% of people tried to save Pete. The other guy was a total dick in my game. Also, I think I had some sympathy for Pete even if he was bitten… just look how

That happened to me when I killed the Bed of Chaos. I died right as I delivered the killing blow, then I had to make the trek back to the boss room just to light the bonfire. Kind of ruined feeling good about being finished with that boss.

I love StarTropics! One of these days I'm going to play that game through to the end. Damn my short attention span!

One year I got Donkey Kong Country and my older brother and I played a lot of that. I still love those games. Last year my wife gave me the game Rage which I really wanted, but wasn't sure I would like. I ended up liking it a lot more than I thought I would. Not sure if I'm getting any games as gifts this year, but I

That's a pretty accurate example of every time I've tried the voice commands on the 360 dashboard. Just repeating myself louder and louder until I just shout "xbox, go fuck yourself!" At that point it usually takes me to Bing search for some reason.

When they originally announced that Kinect would be mandatory for xbox one I thought that was the one smart move they made with it. Now developers can make things focused on the Kinect without worrying that many people won't have one and they'll miss out on sales. Hopefully that would lead to better Kinect content.