Chewbacca Abercrombie

Glad you mentioned the sale on Xbox. I got Gunslinger and ended up getting Scott Pilgrim with a big discount as well. Very nice. i have so many games I need to play now!

Nice to see these tips. Priscilla and Seathe are the only tails I'm missing. The only other tricky weapons I'm missing are drops from invading NPCs and ones made with boss souls I think. Still got some work to do.

I always play Argonian because they can breathe underwater. Makes exploring sunken ships or getting trapped in flooded parts of levels a hell of a lot easier. Plus being a giant lizard man is just cool.

The internet has changed in recent years. Not only is it a place where comments complaining about how much things suck can be written and seen by many, but now it can also be used to find out basic information about many things in mere seconds. If a game sounds interesting to you just do a search. It's quite simple. Go

I was freaking out trying to get them before work yesterday and the website wasn't working. Luckily they were still available when I got home. I wasn't aware of the reason they were giving them away. That's pretty cool of them though. Can't wait to play Fallout 2. Had a conversation about it on Gameological awhile

Is that out today? I guess I know what I'll be playing when I get home tonight.

I liked Saints Row 4, because fuck a bunch of driving, I've got superpowers! It was a hell of a lot of fun, very funny and for me elicited way more emotion than GTA V (also a good game). Sure the side missions were mostly just variations on other side missions, but it never felt boring or tedious to me. It was always

Burial at Sea seems to be very polarizing. I've heard people say pretty much what you're saying, "dull, nonsensical", and I've heard people say it's amazing and just what you want from Bioshock. I'm assuming that I'll probably lean more towards dull and nonsensical after playing it, but I still want to play it! Thanks

You just reminded me that I should start reading Oz again. I think I've only read the first five so far. They could make a great game. It seemed to be getting more family friendly, but that first book was pretty violent. The tin woodman chops off a lot if heads at one point if I remember right.

Barton Fink: the Video Game. Or maybe not.

I'm going to try to beat the last boss in Dark Souls. And then I'll try again… and again… and yet again and who knows, I may actually be able to do it at some point.

In Killer Is Dead are the gigolo missions imperative to finishing the game? I know they are a way to upgrade weapons or something, but I couldn't figure out what the hell I was doing and then when I did it right I guess I gave the wrong gift or something. I don't know. I should probably just start playing that game

I see. Thanks. The finding the person is the one I'm missing. I was wondering what it was I had to do to get it. When I played with that guy I kept trying to get him to be less of a puss and made him stand his ground during that part instead of jumping outta the road.

The ways characters interact based on your decisions is one of the coolest things about the game. I've played every episode so far by myself and then watched my wife play them after. She makes pretty good decisions and I'm incredibly impulsive, picking things that I immediately regret but sounded good at the time. Our

I screwed up 400 days and the convict guy didn't join my group. He's the only one I wanted in my group. He seemed the most interesting of the bunch. I also somehow missed an achievement. I didn't even know that was possible in that game.

Time to buy a bigger Trapper Keeper.

I solved the Lament Configuration and all I got was an uncomfortable t-shirt.

Well that's just normal, isn't it? I thought it was normal. Maybe I should check with my doctor. Maybe that's what these pills he gave me that I haven't been taking are for.

Wargasm was a decent L7 song if you're into that. I like the entire "Bricks Are Heavy" album more than I probably should though.That's definitely a terrible name for a game though.

Looking at the picture I'm assuming you play as Jeff Foxworthy in Lakeview Cabin? Does he make "jokes" as you play? "if you make suits and lampshades outta human skin, ya maht be a serial killer." "if you're directed to kill by a talking dog and you do it… ya maht be a serial killer." Because that game would be awful.