It takes people at Bo Jackson’s level to bring this up! When all we see is ex athletes on tv looking perfectly fine it can send mixed signals.
It takes people at Bo Jackson’s level to bring this up! When all we see is ex athletes on tv looking perfectly fine it can send mixed signals.
I feel bad that people before this era knew how bad football was on the brain. I feel bad that Bo Jackson doesn’t look back on football as a good thing. But I do have a problem with him in football commercials like his new tecmo bowl one. It makes you look hypocritical to say I would never play football again, but…
I have to be honest I still get LA Rams emails because I was on the St. Louis Rams email list. I hope someone got fired for that move!
I was trying to make a joke sorry it didn’t go right.
The GOP is the same exact people as the DNC. They both want war and to make the rich richer. Obama bombed 7 different countries last year. I don’t get how Trump could do any more bombing than Obama did with his a bomb ever 20 minutes 2016 campaign.
The democrats can’t win this debate, they rigged their own primary and said it was ok. To be honest when they used Super delegates it was cya in case rigging the primary wasn’t enough. You can’t have a controversial system like super delegates and then turn around and say a controversial, but historically effective…
Who would we bomb? The 2 countries we were afraid we would have to go to war with, he is making nice with. So if Russia and China are our allies, whose left?
I vote third party so both candidates embarrassed me, but he has to actually break laws under his presidency to lose his job. You can’t just say he’s annoying or rude or doesn’t do things the way I’m used to. If that was the case Andrew Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, LBJ, and many more would have been impeached.
Press Virginia strikes again!
Press Virginia strikes again!
I wouldn’t call it good, but I would call it not spending. Which is shocking because spending is something democrats and Republicans both like to do.
Good I haven’t heard a good reason to not use the Rams old dome. The only excuses I have heard are that MLS doesn’t want fake grass (which is a lie about 4 or 5 teams currently play on fake grass) and that they need to have an open air stadium (Not true they let Montreal play in a dome when it’s too cold out and 1…
I agree, being rude to someone on a late night, non political affiliated talk show isn’t cool. I don’t get why he thought talking over and her making her feel dumb because she didn’t know everyone involved in a rumored story about Donald Trump was the right thing to do.
Sounds like your parents need to send you to anger management.
Are you going to be ok? Sounds like this post gave you some psychological damage?
Do more faked or Florida, I love that stuff as a Tampa native!
I vote 3rd party and think both main candidates were awful, but that being said Seth does an awful job of alluding to the fact that since she didn’t know who all was involved was a sign of trump not knowing who was involved (he’s his own person) and more importantly that a rumor that was unproven means the worse case…
I hope he doesn’t have to eat his family like the donars did!
What’s new, this has been going on for years, everyone since the birth of capitalism has said tax the rich and the poor can have more money to spend at the rich people’s store or tax the poor and the rich will lower the prices thanks to tax breaks. Nothing new. Just new verbiage.
I used to want a flat tax until I realized it still wouldn’t work because it still gets in the wrong people’s hands.