
The best is when rich politicians come to speeches in 5k suites telling us they understand and will fix the problem , but never end up doing it. No new taxes (Bush Sr.) is the equivalent of Hilary charging 10k to do a speech and then turn around to tell college kids she understands student loans and wage gaps.

Straight cash homie!

When I went to FSU from 2001-05 it was the tail end of the bowden era. Yet every time I talked to a coach they would say Bobby looked and acted like he had no clue what was going on, but about 3 or 4 times during the game he would demand a headset and demand they call a certain play like an triple reverse or a bubble

I just want to know why he wouldn’t just keep dying it? I mean I’ve never seen a president with a bad hair day, so if they can keep getting fresh haircuts, why can’t they also get fresh dye jobs?

My question is about the Trump question, why can’t the President keep dying his hair? I mean I have never seen a president with a bad hair day, so knowing that they get fresh haircuts whenever they want, why not fresh dye jobs?

When I was 7, not old, but old enough to know what I was doing, I ruined my grandparent’s basement ceiling. I was at my grandparent’s and in their basement they had a pool table that all 8 of my cousins would play pool on every year when we came together for Christmas. Well when I was 7 I noticed if you shoved the

The same reason she was winning the popular vote against B-rock but they pulled the super delegate card and forced B-rock in the nom. The democratic party thinks they know everything and it back fired this time.

I voted and always vote 3rd party, but I really think Hilary played the wrong cards. Her cards were women and and college kids.

Being from Florida, I have to ask who the hell wears timbs on a boat???

I almost forgot! So my brother played baseball his whole life up until college and was a huge Pete Rose fan as a kid. One time my brother was at one of those revolving restaurants for dinner before the home coming dance. His date says she has a headache so he offers to go downstairs to see if they have any advil in

Dang the worst part is the parking pass part! What a joke!

Another positive one. When I was a kid my brothers little league team got tickets to go to a Royals spring training game when it was at Boardwalk and Baseball. So being that my dad was the coach I got to come too. We also got access to the locker room for signatures. Everyone else remembered to bring a baseball to

My friend works for the Yankees and he said when the Steroid scandal happened everyone was so happy. No one could stand him, even people in the front office. How does it ever get that bad???

Here’s a positive story. When Deion Sanders was in his prime, he tried to go back to baseball again. He was with the Reds that first season back and I went to their spring training complex in hopes to get an autograph. When practice was over people came out and signed autographs. Then some guy came over and put 2

This is one of my favorite Secret Service stories. My dad worked with a guy once and asked what he did before he getting into insurance and the man said he used to be Secret Service. So my dad asked for who and the guy said Johnson. So my dad asks for his best LBJ story and the guy goes “Well my best LBJ story is

So that’s why my cost of living raise as a teacher this year is going to be a flat $200 one time bonus aka a dollar a day! For a second I thought we were valued members of society...

NCAA football should be 64 teams. No reason Toledo and Miami of Ohio should be in the same division as Bama and Ohio State. They did it once with 1A and 1AA. We also have 64 teams in the basketball tournament so you know people are ok with that number.

Here’s the break down:
4 conferences

This sucks had we had this last year Jr. would have been unanimous, now it will go to Jeter first...

Phil Jackson is a typical baby boomer. I’m shocked he didn’t thank the WWII generation while calling them the greatest generation. I’m shocked he didn’t ruin the housing economy again while calling millennials entitled because we got participation trophies, all while we have the most college degree holders of any

Middle and High School
I remember aol giving away those cd roms with free hours because AOL used to charge by the hour. You always heard rumors and stories about someone forgetting it was by the hour and having to pay out the nose.

I also remember chat rooms on AOL. My friends and I used to think we were so cool for