Seriously after going to college games for 4 years at fsu and coming back to Tampa, I realized that the NFL games are just too dangerous. I’ve been to 3 bucs games this year and have seen at least 1 if not more fights every time.
Seriously after going to college games for 4 years at fsu and coming back to Tampa, I realized that the NFL games are just too dangerous. I’ve been to 3 bucs games this year and have seen at least 1 if not more fights every time.
So like he wants to quit, but fears being made fun of for quitting an NFL head coach job right?
And if Trump’s last line in Detroit before the election wasn’t “Used to be the cars were made in Michigan and you couldn’t drink the water in Mexico, but now the cars are made in Mexico and you can’t drink the water in Michigan!” then he might not have won a traditional democratic state.
So is Dan Gilbert the NBA version of Jim Irsay without the arrests? I mean come on this guy has to be on a drug fueled mid life crisis hooker benders right???
Oh great an excuse to get a new arena...
It’s funny how everyone was looking around Europe for the attacks, but cutting off supplies always seems to work best, ask Japan in WWII
For years I didn’t watch the NBA because A. no one plays defense (games should never be over 100 points for both teams) and B. all the good players were on like 4 teams. Now there is so much parity with all this young talent, as long as Lebron doesn’t adopt more step kids to help him win another ring the NBA should…
My God both main candidates were an embarrassment! Glad I voted 3rd party, I can sleep at night!
I voted 3rd party (I have for the past 4 elections) and I must say good. I’m glad everything is F’d. It’s a corrupt system where only the rich get richer. I feel bad that Trump will ruin it in the wrong way, but still better than continuing with the status quo.
He’s a good writer, but only made for certain people. His fun pop culture references and comparisons aren’t for everyone. That’s the bottom line. There’s a reason he was on page 2 instead of one of the main pages, there’s a reason his show and NBA pregame show stints weren’t successful, most people want straight…
I’m a teacher so where is the the 100 year old age group lol
I agree with Term limits, I think we need to either end Obamacare or fix it, and everything else seems like a waste of time and money.
I vote 3rd party, but calm down Hillary didn’t say bad things instead she did bad things. We have email proof of this. She actually took money from Terrorist supporting Nations, stole money for her charitable organization (that was allowing child trafficking) to pay for her daughters wedding, and went to place…
Sore loser?
How can anyone trust these things? The fear of me accidentally pushing it would keep me up at nights!
How can anyone trust these things? The fear of me accidentally pushing it would keep me up at nights!
I’ll never get cord cutting. You save what 50 to 100 dollars a month? I do my budget every month and I spend $5,000 on average, so 150 to 200 is a drop in the bucket in the long run.
I’m in the minority voting for Gary Johnson
Nice of J.R. to wear a shirt.
I think he was paid by ESPN. We had an NFL game on last night. Let me repeat that, we had an NFL game on last night and this was the first thing they talked about on Sports Center. ESPN needs to stop pretending that people care about the NBA, let alone their contracts with the NBA.
I think either one of two things will happen after watching the Red Sox in the same situation. Either the fake fans who just like the team because of the older stadium and the lovable loser status will slowly fade away and cheer for new teams OR they become bigger A-holes now that they a dynasty and won’t shut up…