I always think what Tom did is real. A lot of people just look for common interest and avoid conflict at first. It’s not the end of the world, but it isn’t the best foundation to start a relationship with.
I always think what Tom did is real. A lot of people just look for common interest and avoid conflict at first. It’s not the end of the world, but it isn’t the best foundation to start a relationship with.
I had a relationship like this where the girl would never make it facebook offical back when that was a big deal and I thought it was because she just got out of a big relationship, but it was really she knew we wouldn’t work out but wanted to give it a try anyways. So I totally relate to this!
Also the only movie that was a bigger punch in the gut was Up in the air.
I used to think that Summer was the enemy, but a lot of that had to do with me having a similar but different relationship around the same time.
Now when I look back I don’t see her as good or bad. Just a person who is confused and now dealing with another person confused in a different way asking for answers that she…
P.S. the only movie with a sadder ending was up in the air!
It took me so long to like Zoey because of this movie! I’m still not sure if she did anything bad, but after being in a relationship like that, I totally feel his pain!
Didn’t the original baseball field not have outfield walls? Like they had no homeruns unless you had an inside the park homerun?
Sublime is a good band for their genre like 311, lucky boys confusion, and Incubus. I get so mad when people say that band’s have to be serious all the time. No one gets mad at Eminem for not always being dramatic like Nas or Mob Deep. No one gets mad at the Beach Boys for just goofing around and accidentally…
wrong spot
Fuck him for trading Stanton.
I live in Florida because it’s 78 degrees all winter. It’s snowed twice since 76. Plus we have no state sales tax, good beaches, good food, and amazing college sports. Tampa where I live rarely gets a hurricane, but people who live in snow get worse power outages and undriveable conditions than we do during…
Horchata is cool, after that, it feels like Brooklyn meets the gap.
Don’t listen to that washed up hipster b.s. if you want washed up bands still trying to do big things, go listen to the get up kids new album!
Don’t listen to that washed up hipster b.s. if you want washed up bands still trying to do big things, go listen to the get up kids new album!
Also Dan Lebatard tried to call out Manford, but shockingly he had no answers for any of this
I love when he traded the best hitter of this generation to his old team for peanuts! What a class act! #RE2PECT
I love when he traded the best hitter of this generation to his old team for peanuts! What a class act! #RE2PECT
My wife hated car shopping so much that she would only buy her last car from car max where they don’t haggle or chase you around. Just do that, don’t be annoying, and don’t have negotiations on prices.
Are we talking all car sales or just new car sales? The last 2 cars I have bought have been slightly used. They make cars so well anymore I bought a 2 year old SUV last time and drove it for 10 years and got up to 180,000 miles.
To me quality cars lasting longer and the fact that you can save $5,000 dollars or more to…