Chevette Survivor

People today would rather agree with someone of Facebook telling them the Jews made the sky blue to cause global warming. Because if someone does hours and hours of research, that person surely has an agenda, if someone spews some racial slurs accompanied by bad spelling, he must be right.

Jeez man, do you even like Star Wars? It’s like you’re wanting an entirely different kind of film than the ones we were given with the original trilogy, and everything that’s come since.

I hope that movie is called Rogue Two.

I got the impression that the Rebellion was thinking that Galen still had work to do, or at least that he might, and didn’t want to take the chance that he could still finish the Death Star. They probably only had the vaguest sense of how far along the project was.

And like an asshole, you have to rush to tell them they’re wrong.

I’m just biased against “the city”. I hate it. I hate the traffic. I hate the noise. I hate the smell. I just generally hate the whole package. Everyone is in suck a rush to go anywhere.

This is why companies like to cultivate “employee loyalty.” It deludes people into putting up with shit like this.


you do realize its a play on words?

It’ll make a hole in your pocket.

but the dashcam car was being nice and letting the schoolbus turn ahead of him

I appreciate your explanations. I think even for some people who are very accepting and open-minded, this can be confusing. I read a story recently about a trans teen and his dealings with various medical experts. His mom was so incredibly supportive and working hard to get her son what he needed to feel right — a

Gender, in this context, is about a person’s psychology / how they perceive themselves / what gender they feel and believe / know themselves to be (regardless of physicality).

Ok I have a follow up. This might seem like a ‘gotcha’ type question but the only person I ‘gotcha’d’ is myself because I have been thinking about this for a while and I can’t wrap my head around it.

A simple way of looking at it is that a person is under no requirement to present themselves as the gender they identify as.

And some people were simply confused about that preferred pronoun given her appearance and a reference to Steven (without an ending “s”). But instead of being generally chill about it and just explaining the deal, you’ve posted dozens of snarky responses from your sermon on the mount.

My suggestion would be to understand the obvious source of confusion, in the preference for she/her pronouns for someone that looks so masculine.

You’re an asshole. I’m less offended by the ass slap than by your rudeness and blaming here. Also, I fought off a would-be date rapist when I was 21 which was a fight actually worth having.

Your MOM is a homophone.

Clinton’s body’re funny. As to hiding something, I would think that preferable to letting the entire world know what a fool you are like Trump does with every appearance.