Chevette Survivor

People today would rather agree with someone of Facebook telling them the Jews made the sky blue to cause global warming. Because if someone does hours and hours of research, that person surely has an agenda, if someone spews some racial slurs accompanied by bad spelling, he must be right.

And like an asshole, you have to rush to tell them they’re wrong.

I’m just biased against “the city”. I hate it. I hate the traffic. I hate the noise. I hate the smell. I just generally hate the whole package. Everyone is in suck a rush to go anywhere.

This is why companies like to cultivate “employee loyalty.” It deludes people into putting up with shit like this.

but the dashcam car was being nice and letting the schoolbus turn ahead of him

You’re an asshole. I’m less offended by the ass slap than by your rudeness and blaming here. Also, I fought off a would-be date rapist when I was 21 which was a fight actually worth having.

Clinton’s body’re funny. As to hiding something, I would think that preferable to letting the entire world know what a fool you are like Trump does with every appearance.

I think you read it wrong, Hillary’s “scandals” are contrived, trumps are to the point of unbelievability yet pathetically ignored by his clan members.


Counterpoint: backpack>messenger bag

Seems to me that based on your definition, you’re lumping a group of people who are rebelling against PC into the “asshole” category.

Nextdoor, where middle aged white people discover their inner troll. It’s a great concept undone by the reality of human beings being idiots.

This is why I quit NextDoor

It is mind blowing how clear Univision’s position was and how confused half of the commentariat was about what liability means.

Is it bad that I opened this article, excited for there to be new content for Portal 2 ?

Yeah we’re gonna be butting heads on a few opinions, so to each their own there.

I know the workshop focus has been controversial, but I still find it odd how much people have been upset about the final game. The story was much better then Fallout 3 and exploring Boston’s ruins was much better then any of their previous games. The game could have used less radiant quests though, or at the very