Chevette Survivor

I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you’d never actually seen Star Wars. FYI - The rebels are the ones trying to stop the planet-destroying superweapon that’s already killed billions, not the ones who built it.

It wasn’t preemptive. Even within the movie, it wasn’t preemptive. It was a mission in an ongoing war that the Empire started.

Not even remotely. You need better textbooks.

No. The “status quo” was thousands of years of democratically-elected Republic government. Palpatine changed that by using his “emergency powers” to create the Empire in the first place. Then the Empire violently suppressed the freedoms the Republic’s citizens had previously enjoyed. That’s the start of the conflict.

Oh sure, the Empire was just innocently minding its own business, working on a little craft project, when the rebels burst in and started shooting. Never mind that the craft project would go on to kill several billion people a few days later, exactly as it was designed to do. The Rebels were the aggressors.

That one’s easy: Living under the twin suns of Tatooine. Look how much Owen and Beru aged during those same years.

Nah. That number is far too low.

Maybe Bib is a nickname for Beezer in the way Bob is a nickname for Robert. Four years before ROTJ he was down on his luck, starving and sickly, before falling in with Jabba. Or he’s already working for Jabba but is being starved as punishment for some minor transgression. We know Jabba loves watching others suffer.

Having been through the beginning of the maze quest before

Anyone wanna bet that sometime soon we find out Arnold had a son who died young?

I think they make Billy that way on purpose, to a certain extent, so it’ll be more mind blowing when we find out he becomes the Man in Black.

That’s how I took it.

I nearly shouted out loud when he said that. I loved the way they played that moment so that it was two completely different things depending on who’s watching. A throwaway moment of Bernard being unobservant to a casual viewer and a profound turning point in the course of the show to those following it closely.

Soundwave was a portable cassette recorder, not a giant boombox.

Do you mean they didn’t move? They were split all the way down, which looked a little weird in plane mode.

You do realize he didn’t say gypsy?

I’ll take either one over wherever you live.

12, actually. Six rotors. ;-)

Although no one will ever see this, I wanted to thank you for answering his question and explaining without judgment. I don’t know why that’s so hard for some commenters around here when someone admits they don’t understand but wants to. It’s nice to see a positive response to someone reaching out, rather than

Seriously. He/she’s trying to set a new standard for being insufferably self righteous, which is a pretty big accomplishment around here.