imagine if she DIDN’T tell them where the truck was... and returned to ask them. She should’ve let them sweat it out a bit. Stealing it back was genius.
imagine if she DIDN’T tell them where the truck was... and returned to ask them. She should’ve let them sweat it out a bit. Stealing it back was genius.
I was disappointed that we actually had Jorah Mormont and Lyanna Mormont in one place, in one episode and we got... nothing. Come on! Are you telling me Lyanna doesn’t have any snide, cutting remark for the long-lost disgraced cousin that she’s never known? Does she not feel the need to smack him around a little and…
It’s way, way too much and also kind of just seems like an excuse to get Sheen to sing, adding little.
Yer a Wizard, Harris would have been a better pun
I’m trying to see what she did that’s so horrible, beyond calling someone at work fat and some shitty tweets she’s apologised for.
Everyone fails a purity test at some point.
Constantly purging everyone for some evermore exacting standard of ideological purity seems self-defeating and a waste of energy, badly needed…
She did dumb shit when she was 21 (or 20?!) and has perhaps...grown in the time since? And I know you acknowledge that but it’s a throwaway line in what sort of feels like a needless hitpiece? This isn’t Tucker Carlson being a racist misogynistic manbaby at 40 or whatever.
Can’t believe the writers had Adawehi scalped (!!) just to drive home some point about the settlers being deplorable religious nuts. Yeah, this is America - we got that part loud and clear in the premiere already. All you achieved was to shamelessly get rid of a First Nations actress (a member of the Order of…
This is one of my favorite shows and I’m so glad it’s coming back next season. Sherlock has been showing Watson that he loves her and feels she’s family all season and I’ve so enjoyed that. Can’t wait to see what the next season brings. The only thing that would make the show better is to have accompanying…
I am so happy to see a review. The end of this episode brought me to tears, and I'm a little concerned about what might come next. I don't want a Season 7 that undoes this deep platonic love.
“No, we’re much better than that. We’re two people that love each other. We always have been.”
There was also a critical clue that everyone overlooked. Gregson said Hannah did not hear Michael say anything. So was she so emotional committing the murder that she simply did not hear OR did Michael never said anything? If the latter were the case, then the recording was faked.
If you had seen her on Bones, your suspicion would have been off the charts.
It was better than Sherlock. It actually had a mystery - a story, not a puzzle about how to get a constantly confessing super villain to fully confess in public, or a dramatic plot twist - and almost-believable characters. It was focussed on the story rather than obsessing about the emotional lives of its…
I'll admit that I sussed out her involvement before I realized that I recognized the actress and before they showed the packaging (which I did not notice at all), because they introduced her with a giant ICE logo right behind her in a story about a kidnapped minority woman.
Remember when Sherlock was friends with Alfredo? That was cool.
i've always found it jarring how bell never had a partner except when he was unable to carry a gun. it's such a huge part of every other fictional cop narrative.
<3 Joan's three-piece suit. I definitely want to know more about why Joan has taken to wearing such male-coded clothing in recent seasons, though part of it must be a shout-out to the character's origins as a man in Arthur Conan Doyle's stories.
I didn't get the same Sherlock hates Shinwell for being "lesser" than Sherlock vibe that Genevieve did. Elementary has made very clear that Sherlock's dislike for Shinwell has to do largely with the fact that Shinwell has a claim on Joan's affection. Also, he's a suspect in a murder (which even if he didn't kill…
A black man realizes he isn't disposable. Joan being Batman. A