
We already had a benevolent black guy who reached out at every opportunity to those who hated him; his name was Barack Obama. What did we get for our troubles? Republican controlled legislatures, governships, congress and Donald Effing Trump all rolled into pure unadulterated hate.

I think this was one of Obama’s big mistakes. For example, he had the opportunity to ram through the public option his first two years in office, but he chose to be conciliatory instead. I get why he felt he had to do that, but I didn’t like it at the time, and I think it marred his legacy. I hope he fills every open

What??? This is the same person??? (I’m terrible with names/faces.) Ugh. I DID love pissed off ‘blacklash’ Van Jones, who gave me the perfect soundbite the next day to explain why I was so freaking pissed off about the outcome. I’m white, and quoted him that afternoon to several coworkers who are POC, and my coworkers

And that man is the real criminal and unethical POS here, isn’t he?

Yup. When they started showing up at Trump rallies wearing T-shirts that read “Fuck your feelings”, well I knew then that we would be in for a long four years.

I wish bad things on Jeff Zucker and Matt Lauer everyday. And I don’t think I am wrong for it.

Oh my god, this.

Now playing

I was so thankful that Ana Navarro said what she did. I was swearing at my TV while watching Santorum’s response.

Also, “love army” is just too touchy-feel, SJW, liberal pussy shit for the crowd he’s trying to reach.

What happened to the Van Jones who called out Kayleigh Mcenany and Jeffrey Lord for being total shits to a Latina lady when she said that Trump’s “bad hombres” statement was offensive and they tried to tell her that she was not allowed to define that as offensive TO HERSELF?

Yeah. My people were here before there was America. I know what they say about that.

I don’t think it’s loving to allow people to be hateful in front of you. I don’t think it’s loving to look the other way in the face of injustice. I don’t think it’s loving to allow people to be dehumanized. I don’t think it’s loving to be nice when what’s called for is being honest and courageous and making people

I like Van Jones a lot. I don’t know that CNN would have been watchable during the rise of Trump without him, but I have thought for a while now that he is a bit naive.

We are not “real Americans.”

Apart of me is tired of having to listen to people who voted for Trump talk about how they feel alienated and how their feelings are important, too. I know my feelings and other groups are not important or don’t matter to them. They either don’t see me and other groups as people or don’t consider us important.

I add to this (dead to me) list; the people throughout and after the primaries that talked shit and hate-voted Hillary. And then, had the subsequent hangover of November 9.

YES. This is one of my biggest problems with democrats—they don’t fight back. They don’t want to play dirty. And so they get ran over time and again. This is not the time to “give Trump a chance” this is a time to listen to what Trump told us he believes and believe him.

Of course it’s kind of too late given that the main stream media ran with it as Clinton being on the verge of indictment and invited right wing political hacks on to comment at length about it, even MSNBC has lost their damn mind. The low information voter would hear anything about nuance.

Name one single male politician who you’ve criticized for staying with a dirtbag wife.

I know, aren’t these women so spineless? I’ve always thought that. Like, why don’t you just get up and leave? You know in your gut that the man you’re married to is a fucking weasel. What kind of woman sticks around? Oh, wait, that is my mother. My mother stuck around. My fucking mother who has taught me all the