"UUUGGGGGGHHHHH, for shit's sake. No good deed goes unpunished, AMIRITE??"
"UUUGGGGGGHHHHH, for shit's sake. No good deed goes unpunished, AMIRITE??"
If you have to explain why a song is racist, based on it's long forgotten roots and not current context, maybe it's not so racist anymore? (Note: I'm not arguing that racism doesn't exist, just providing a counterpoint.)
I said the same thing to the jury. I told them that bitch was asking for it because of what she did. I said she was provoking me and intrude very hard not to react but I couldn't julep myself.
so what? that still doesn't justify becoming physically violent. and if she hates him so much, then don't go out with him and her sister. even if someone is goading you, once you resort to physical violence, you're the nutjob asshole.
Um, Stefan Verstappen (“The Art of Urban Survival”) just concluded that most successful people are psychopaths, way more than we could ever have imagined.
I'm sure it's 100 percent of it.
I wonder how much of this is also so her employer doesn't have to deal with what I'm sure is an exponential increase in paparazzi.
I know everyone raves about Mean Girls but, I'll take this any day.
I actually think this is one movie Kristen Stewart could probably be in.
Dear God! It's like the Buseyfish or something.
Hear hear, we have this debate monthly and it is so tiresome and predictable. The same exact comments and responses are given each time;
Yeah. I think jealousy is to a certain extent a normal part of the human experience. How we grapple with jealousy has a lot to do with how happy we allow ourselves to be. It has nothing to do with the inherent obstacles to fitness. Trying to screen out people and their status which might potentially trigger…
Yes! The whole stereotype of "lunkhead" is so very terrible. Most people in this country don't truly understand much about lifting weights and are set with ideas about bros who flex in the mirror and secretly sneer at you while cardiobunnies giggle behind your back.
I am so going to hell...
I think this article takes issue with the gym unreliably enforcing their dress code and being condescending to their clientele. It does state that being cheap is not enough for the author to work out there, but I see literally nowhere where it says "yeah and those fatties that work out there…… etc"
I do think it's interesting that in this particular situation, someone found this black woman with abs "intimidating." What? Not "inappropriate" but "intimidating." That falls in line with a lot of crap black women get, especially black women who work out. I very much doubt that a far less toned, but thin, white girl…
As a runner, this article bothers me. Who cares if these people ran rouge? Seeing as you don't have pictures of them with medals, are you SURE they took medals at all? I want you to find me a person that ran legitimately and didn't get a medal because they were out of them. I probably still won't care about this,…
You can 100% fuck off with this article. If you don't want to pay $600 for a flight/hotel, do not come to the wedding. It is that simple. We had many family members across the country who could not swing plane fare for our wedding, and although they were dearly missed we absolutely understood. I was very grateful and…