You're right; an abortion should be legal so long as the head hasn't emerged during labor. The rest of what you said is noise.
You're right; an abortion should be legal so long as the head hasn't emerged during labor. The rest of what you said is noise.
It doesn't matter what the risks are; the point is it's her body and her right to choose. If she wants to kill her and her baby in the process of giving birth, let her.
If you want to get technical, IDK why we're even discussing this. Some startup brat wrote some stupid shit on his twitter and proceeded to act like the child that he is.
I think so. I never go to their website directly. I just saw a link to it on digg so I clicked through. :D
LOL, "had it coming." Thanks for the laughs. Psycho.
Is this a precautionary tale then? I feel like this is one of those things where you always think it will be different for you until it's not.
I just read this piece in NYMag on my own... and here's what I don't get: why'd they publish this? It's a tedious read and nothing about it is novel. Pretty girls get perks because rich men want to fuck them? Thanks for the update. In other news: water is wet.
This isn't about 'being allowed' to look pretty. This is about what we're celebrating. We're celebrating a beauty pageant contestant because she's diabetic? This feels like a win for the diabetes community... not feminism. Being pretty/feminine is great! Let's celebrate being pretty/feminine (and all the…
Getting married isn't all about the sex. It can be, for some people, but there are many different reasons people get married and sex isn't at the top of the list for everyone.
BTW, travel is stressful, too. Whether it's by car, train, or plane, it's stressful.
Because women need to fulfill their man's sexual desires all the time, or at least close to all the time.
Really? I work 35 hours a week and so do all my co-workers. So don't most people in my industry. Regardless of how much she is or isn't work, a wife is not obligated to be her husband's fuck toy. Shocking, right?
Let's see... she said, "I'm exhausted," "I have to be up early," and "I'm too tired." Seems like she's communicating pretty well to me.
Do you know her personally? She could be: working more than 40 hours a week; working a physically demanding job like waiting tables, or retail; going to school in combination with working; or be depressed. You have no idea what her circumstances are, so to say that she's *definitely* fucking someone else is ignorant…
Your intelligent responses are pearls before swine.
Once a day is not normal. Especially not after being together for 7 years.
Suggesting that she's not fucking someone else does not make someone a Jezebel reader.
This is what happens when real people try to emulate the 'perfect' life you're supposed to be living per the glossy magazines. She did more than clean up her act — she ruined thousands' of girls images of what it means to be perfect.
Ehhhhhhhhhhh, I disagree. Jews got dumped in the middle of Palestinian territory as a way for Europe to assuage their guilt about the Holocaust: "My bad, yo. Let me give you some land over here to make up for that whole Holocaust thing." Jews took the land, and then they started taking more and more and more, and…
And how long has Israel been occupying Palestinian territory and creating illegal settlements?