will she be discussing “routes” ?
will she be discussing “routes” ?
this is one occupation i’d like to see taken over by robots. T1000 robots.
#TomBradyThinks underachievers should employ The Think System for improved performance.
Randy Newman had a career outside of Toy Story songs ?
great work, add a striped shirt and get him to give a thumbs up and get to shark tank pronto.
enjoying your fleshlight ?
IT’S FOOTBAW! Just make it like old times and play some manly music
You can’t block Bosa... deez nutz
...it does appear to be weighing on Sandoval.
my prediction:
Knew this b/c everything i know about British mores came from either Monty Python or The Young Ones.
As with all things celestially, God profits.
too precious not to share (best two eclipse moments today).
2 mins and 30 seconds you’ll never forget.
and the count goes to 2-0.
Trump watching CNN:
There is no telling what great opportunities await these natural athletes.
counterpoint: fre shavacado.
Holy crap, I remember going to that DAV in Oceanside when I was a kid in the 70s with my mom and getting clothes !