Me Mongo

Own a GE Profile Oven....and you need it to be 400 degrees for some cooking. Setting the broiler on HI will get it to the desired temperature much faster than just setting the temperature at the desired level and waiting.

the obvious mastermind villain has to be that step dad right ?

Raiders, January game - you’re funny. I like you. You can fuck my sister.

Its near Corcoran so there’s already an established fan base. a-thank you.

truth be told, that was Jamarcus’ draft day pic

Now playing

HFS ! An Orange Juice sighting ! Just discovered this gem...dont know how I missed it 20 years ago:

I would ***LOVE*** it if they programmed that thing to kick back. That would break the internet.

While this article is about the Chargers’ defense, I have watched nearly every Chargers game this year and their OL is just as fierce...expect a totally different game vs. the Pats this weekend. They were big on chunk plays; rushing chunk plays this season. then again, they will get pressure on Brady. They will open

I told my buddies before the game, Tua is gonna take a beating tonight.

Im guessing its not “Jack-kay” but “Zshaawk”(a la Jacque Cousteau) which I guess is kinda an awesome/unique foobaw name.

quick: were there more sad pathetic drunks at Vikings game this past weekend or at BCB during Stand by Your Man ?

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Apropos of nothing, I had Melvin Gordon on my fantasy football team this year and he tore it up on a few weekends...during the games I would post the :02 clip of “Gordon’s Alive” to the league.

uh, ND was cooked long before that. 

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Check out the kindler, gentler frauds...

The way he says “I’ll see you in Ozzzz” indicates the old man was into something special.

dont bring that weak ass excel shit in here. you fucking pivot that table n-word ! they all saying your columns dont add up to shit. fucking punk ass bitch with no formula knowledge. 

yea but they would have to...whatever the opposite of renovate bring their stadiums to Raiders standards.

or why Goldstein and Salami were the true heart and soul of Carver High.

If the thumbs are included on the donor card, PM me.