Me Mongo

except this time....the glove FITS !

righty ? tighty.

so he’s mad that the truck is blocking his he shoots the tires out and the engine.

and the whole world has to answer right now just to tell you once again....who’s fat ?


I have a comment/submission for a lifehack:

aw shit, you mean this is all pre-legal-alcohol hi-jinx ?

When I see July posts about football, I am reminded of this quote from Groundhog Day, trans-morphed here:

I’m thinking that fly just decided to take one for the team, I mean he’s buzzing around a shithole in the middle of nowhere. It was his time....and what a way to go.

Now playing

Hey, not taking away from this post/music. I’ve never heard it and I absolutely love the vibe. I am certain if I grew up with this composition
associated with any kind of sporting event, I’d have the same wistful admiration expressed here.

As pointless and useless as it is to post, because it amounts to nothing more than a star click, I am overwhelming compelled to respond to your post with the following:

Jesus Cristobal, did that Mexican back line ever get exposed in this match.

building a golf course in my backyard...I’m taking what I want. I kinda wish he left a steamy turd on that green. like that Tahoe bear’s parting gift.

Dayum, Jeff Smardzijaza (aw fuck it) like a flying whirling dervish. He slammed with Werth so hard I think they exchanged hair styles. course, no one noticed.  

Jesus that is terrifying.

and this little piggy freaked me the fuck out.

I wish someone would cover Smashmouth. literally.