In before the shutter.
In before the shutter.
In college i was in a garage band
Oh,Mongo like Sherrif Bart, only man ever beat Mongo.
Wow. this is really something. thanks for sharing.
West coast and this is our March(ing) song:
So....Goose Gossage is writing for deadspin now ?
Where does giant fuse go ?
Paint a Vulgar Picture
good lord ! never saw this before. this is great ! Great I tells ya.
With every pasing year, the mileage shows. New moles and wrinkles where once was pristine real estate. The engine needs to be warmed, the crank turned a bit before revving things up. Grey hair, grey eyebrows, grey beard and grey pubes. The pigment is running out like the memories of ebullient youthful days of…
Thanks...only had to scroll down twice for the Sandusky reference. I love convenience !
I believe in the theory that a crying, vein-expanding laugh is good for the soul....every day. Too lazy to look up established research on the subject. I just assume I am right (convenient!).
Didnt you mean “That’s the Way the Money Goes”
when opposing teams error....just play his laugh on the video board.
Also bear in mind that proximity to a big metropolitan area isnt necessarily a prerequisite for receiving the OTA broadcasts. The towers for the Sacramento channels are in Walnut Grove...20 miles to the southwest.
Also bear in mind that proximity to a big metropolitan area isnt necessarily a prerequisite for receiving the OTA…
He ran a 7.3 in case anyone cares.
They musta destroyed the toilets there. Just saying. That is a murderer’s row (as far as the toilet is concerned).
Rex: Well the camera adds about 15 pounds.
The chicken fries commercials are pretty funny.
counterpoint: backseat of car/carriage sex.