Me Mongo

Ok I think I got it (15 years later..ima bit slow)...Trejo calls the diner...cant make the shoot...goes home and gets ambushed by Waingro...who tips off Benny...who, after fixing his pompadour tips off the LAPD...who run right into the action to get Jame Gumb killed.

Its Craptastic !

I'd pay 10x that for Dinklage-Bieber

And you could get that guy from TCM to do the intros in all seriousness...

Ima Chargers fan tho not living in So Cal and I would rather the franchise fold than to fuck over tax payers of the County/State to facilitate a move to L.A. in a new stadium. Fuck them and the NFL - let them play in the Coliseum or wherever.

Good lord that is a great idea. Encore Guilty Pleasure on HD749....terrible movies that you love to watch. Or you could call it Encore/Starz-Roadhouse...because they all aspire to be Roadhouse.

Huge HEAT fan hear. Hell, huge M.Mann fan ! anyway, can someone explain to me how Vincent knew about the bank heist. Was Hugh Benny a confidential informant (C.I.) that learned of it through Waingro and then tipped off the LAPD ?

Kung Fu Chowdah

Re: Lincoln Bedroom.

Is necklace also vibrator ?

its hard to make out, but I think the tag below indicates Label 5 was #42 out of the top 100...draw your own conclusions, but my take away is there are 41 better options out there.

Kim's got a lil land shark in her.

Dawgs by the Pound.

so much smoother than label 4.

Bro is a-hitting-it...gots 3 more in the garage just chillin with the game of Life.

Glad Carolina has been against domestic violence since their introduction into the NFL.

c'mon, its America, every participant's a winner.

Even with the pick, not Superbowl MVP Russell Wilson had a higher QBR than Brady.

"I wanted to put an entire fanbase on sharp object alert; that's never been done as well as I have done it.

+1 He can bend into any shape with his pokey pal Edelman too.