Drink champagne

I read this and laughed in my head. Then I read it again and laughed out loud.

He should run. Far, far away.

lol, get the fuck outta here, Mike.  Go straight to jail; do not pass go; do not collect $200.

Dumpster Fire Produces Smoke

He’s flailing at this point. He most likely owes Stormy Daniels. And is kind of mobby and Trumpian in his own way. He had his 15 minutes. And now needs to pay up and go home.

It’s called a contingency fee, bitch. (Referring to the lawyer lest there be any confusion)

There's never no fight left in Avenatti. 

Use the cats to dry off. Sorted.

Investigated by Inspector Barnaby.

WWWHHHYYY is this a video? Why.


“I can still see my junk.”

I was leaving that point for another day!

While swacked on drugs (love that the Guardian refers to his drug of choice as hillbilly heroin).

Or that Rush spent the late 90's/early 00's trawling teen MySpace pages trying to fill up his Spank Bank!

The rumors are that they’re not female but they are underage.

Why is this idiot still a thing?

Every day I wake up and proclaim “I will not gag in revulsion at something a gross, self-important windbag does!” Today is not that day.

Rush Limbaugh

What kind of fucked-up individual wants to think about a 14-year-old’s nudes, anyway?

Oh, so that’s why that bizarre 9-year old post is trending today.