Drink champagne

And to add on that - it even fits with Maggy’s Prophecy to Cersei, which declared that “the valonqar” would kill her. Valonqar means little brother, and Cersei always figured it meant Tyrion - but Cersei is the firstborn of the three of them, meaning Jaime is her “little brother” too.

It’s the best way the writers can get him back to Kings Landing for the inevitable poetic justice that’s coming. Jaime’s decided to take responsibility for all his bad actions and go down with the ship(Cersei), like a good commander.  

My suspicion is that he’s going there to kill Cersei*, the same way he killed the Targaryen King (that being how he earned the nickname of Kingslayer). It’s too big a parallel, really, since Jaime was head of the Kingsguard, and killed the King (violating his sworn oath no less) because the King was going to use

She wants to murder tens of thousands of people to get her throne out of personal hurt and pride...Yes, I can fault her for “wanting something she’s fought so hard to get” when there’s a city full of lives she’s willing to throw away to get to it.

So true! He wouldn’t have left her crying in Winterfell to go back to his crazy sister! 

God. This fucking show. So now Dany’s closest advisors are plotting against her to put Jon fucking Snow on the throne? Really? This guy? The guy who keeps failing upwards and keeps being given titles he doesn’t deserve and doesn’t even want? Meanwhile, we’re supposed to now hate Dany, who went from rape victim and

Oh Brienne, Tormund would’ve never done you that way.

I dont know, I’m willing to side with the TSA on this one “How dare a peasant touch me”. Im more shocked she flew commercial.

Mary Poppins of chimichanga...

Maybe 50 miles is the right distance! I was always super into the fact that Helena Bonham Carter and Tim Burton had separate houses next to one another for the 10+ years they were together. I was all, yes, this! this is how I could do long-term! But they broke up, so maybe the houses were too close... 

I’ve lived alone for 20 years and I’m about to turn 40. I can’t imagine myself being able to tolerate living with another person, at this point. I’ve long thought I’d at least like to have my own bedroom, were I to live with a romantic partner, but at this point? I think the closest I’d like them to live is next door.

The women in my family were strong in a cantankerous, my way or the highway way. And they were in many, many other ways. I just added the preceding sentence as an edit so as not to disparage the remarkable lives that they lived. I hope the edit takes.

I came here to say it’s probably better to have Uranus in Taurus, than a Taurus in Uranus. I also need to find a picture of the year I went as Uranus for Halloween.

Y’all are on to me!

You’re not, but that’s okay.

This feels like a good place to say Happy Birthday to all my fellow Tauruses (mine was on Monday). I love articles that are clearly about me in particular, as this one clearly is. (I am Melania)

came here for this.

No you’re not.

this year marks the entry of Uranus