Counterpoint: He’s always been unhinged but been able to hide it because he’s surrounded by yes men and his temper soothed.
Counterpoint: He’s always been unhinged but been able to hide it because he’s surrounded by yes men and his temper soothed.
There is no god. We (and when I say “we” I don’t mean myself, but the collective “people”) did this. There is no scenario where this ends well. Ask mid 20th century Germany how it worked out for them.
I think an argument could be made that the fact that Trump exists means God doesn’t.
Anything that causes him stress helps. Anything that forces him to froth at the mouth and spout lies for all the world to see helps. Anything that makes him look foolish helps. It won’t convince the die hards but it puts even more pressure on the Republicans and keeps our resistance reminded why we have to fight.…
hi everyone! i picked up my cap and gown and hood this week and i’m SO EXCITED. perhaps too early, but i’m a nerd and i’m so fucking excited. the end is in sight. 3 years later and this masters is almost done.
He can’t help looking stupid.
That explain why he’s always wearing the red tie. It catches the eye to maximize distraction from the hair. Another brilliant strategy.
He orders them extra long. Donald likes his ties huge. He has the biggest ties, longer than everyone else’s ties. Everyone says so.
Looking nice is for women. Men can look however they want as long as they can afford to buy nice-looking women as property. Read the constitution sometime, geez.
Donald Trump isn’t a billionaire and he doesn’t have a ton of cash. Only Duestche Bank will loan him money because he’s helping them launder it for the Russian mob. His properties are all probably being used as fronts. One in Soho already got busted for that exact reason. If he had a ton of liquidity, American banks…
It is 100% the reason. He has no excuse other than just being unwaveringly stupid.
They learned me in skewl that your mortgage should be 1/4 of your take home pay and a car payment should be 1/10th of it. On what F’ing planet is that going to happen for any middle class family? Sure I could make that happen if maybe I live in a shack in Cracktown and bought a nice Schwinn.
It’s probably going to eat that cat.
That was my reaction this morning, then I read this piece. If she was supposed to have the results memorized, and had instructions to immediately intervene if the wrong results were read, then yeah, she fucked up too.
No, her fuck up was not paying attention and not doing her damn job. Sure, Brian fucked up, but part of the reason she’s even there is to help correct these exact mistakes. She fucked up too and deserves blame.
So, just to be clear, dude massively fucks up, woman gets equally blamed for not covering his ass quickly enough? Figures.
Honestly, when I read that, I was like, “Holy shit, give this guy a cookie for being self-aware!” All the dudes I’ve known who are like that think that they are perfectly great and normal people and it’s the women around them who are irrational and unreasonable. I have much less of a problem with people being immature…
Dennis Quaid, Russell Crowe, John Mellencamp. Has Meg Ryan ever been romantically involved with anyone who wasn’t a man-baby?