Chester Bonaparte

I just feel like, if this is how she writes everything, no wonder life is a struggle.

Earlier this evening, I read an article about how it’s awful to work with people my age, because we’re… something. It was unclear

I know these letters and most of the words, but I can’t tell what they are trying to say.

I got the strong impression that he was making fun of Ryan Adams by recording his own covers of 1989 This half-assed 70s style spoken folk isn’t his usual style. I’m fairly certain it was done in one take and released as a mockery of exactly the kind of thing you’re talking about.

Thank you! Finally someone else here who keeps up with music from the past 2 decades, jeez. It is all people saying he is an idiot and his music sucks... I Love You Honeybear is great, and I played the hell out of Vacilando Territory Blues.

Glad I found one FJM fan in the comments! Everyone here seems down on him for being a hipster stereotype, but whether or not that’s the case (I think he’s very intentionally a bit of a self-parody personally) he is an amazing musician. I Love You Honey Bear is hilarious, sweet, disturbing. Love it.

That’s not at all what FJM’s intention was, which is exactly what it says in the linked article:

I wasn’t raised in a cult and I know I am a full woman no matter what my marital or maternal status is. I want to experience pregnancy and childbirth. I want to feel what it is like to create a human, I want to feel that bond, I want to feel the kicks, I want to deliver a baby and experience that rush of hormones. I

*shrug* I actually kind of liked being pregnant. Feeling the fetus move and the kicks, while painful at times, usually made me pretty mushy. Then when I gave birth I was sort of in awe that my body could do it. It made me realize I was much stronger than I had always thought.

I always wanted to experience it too. And now I’ve done it twice and I still want to experience again, even though it terrifies me. I can’t really explain why I wanted to in the first place. I was not raised among people who expected me to have kids and fulfill my womanly duties. :P Maybe it was just some weird

I mean, it’s a unique experience...I can see it. (still dreading my eventual pregnancy tho)

I was always on the fence about having children but my husband and I didn’t actively try to prevent because he really wants kids and I was basically fine either way. I’m now pregnant for the first time and even as someone who never felt that pressure/overwhelming desire to be a mother, I will say that the experience

As someone who didn’t think she wanted kids, but ended up changing her mind, I know this is weird for people who don’t necessarily want either to understand, and I totally get it, as I did not at one point. I just think that for some people, its something that is important and means a lot to them, just like for

I’m 31 and 39 weeks pregnant (totes on purpose and planned). I bet it’s probably a combination of all those things you mentioned, but that’s just how she chose to say it. Pregnancy is.. Interesting. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone if they don’t really want to do it. But it is kinda neat and now there’s some giant

Weird as that middle name is, I find it way less obnoxious than the typical celebrity baby special snowflake names. At least they made the first name normal and the middle name means something.

Luckily middle names are harmless. He can just use the initial.

Team La’Porsha forever. She was robbed.

Police are not good tools of discipline at a school. They often cause the situation to escalate instead of calm down. It takes a different skill set to handle discipline and maintaining order in schools. Middle school is rough and trying.

I completely understand what Amy is trying to say, but can we also acknowledge how sad it is that young girls (who aren’t plus sized) even thinking that they might be plus sized is considered bad for their self esteem?

I don’t know why Glamour thinks they have to put labels on any of these women.