Chester Bonaparte

Transition successful.. I guess? Or a typo? Narcissa Wright used to be called Cosmo Wright and is transitioning from man to woman. Generally the person transitioning wants everyone in the world to just start calling them something else instantly when they “come out”. In reality it’s pretty hard to do so and requires

Good luck to her and whatever she persues here on out!

Yeah this part was upsetting. Maybe leave the victim alone?

And such a horrendous violation of her privacy! “Here, let’s show the world where she lives, that seems like something people need to know for safety reasons...”

Good for the parents. I don’t even know what I would say if my son did this. I can’t imagine.

But imagine being them. My God, how much must that suck!

This is such an awful story and I don’t want to look at more articles. But people are criticizing the father? Fuck.

Yeah, it’s heartbreaking that they were so young but I am very glad that the parents did the right thing and turned them in.

Huzzah for the parents.

It’s horrifying and heartbreaking all around, even this:

I read the comments on Facebook when this story broke and it was vomit-inducing. People were already saying it was a set up, that the father was in on it, that the girl was lying. What does it take in this world to be believed anymore? My thoughts are with the survivor and her family.

two of the teenagers, aged 14 and 15, were turned in to the police by their parents

It’s not up to you to have any feelings about it whatsoever.

Has someone been watching too much “Making a Murderer”

This is despicable

I’ve seen people tearing the father to shreds for leaving when commanded (by gun). I know that it’s a tragically difficult scenario to imagine, and people’s instincts are to stay with their children no matter what, but who knows what would’ve happened if he stood his ground? At least this way he was able to leave and

I don’t want to know what makes a 14 year old child want to do this to another human. Christ.

begged to use the phone to call the police, and he’d refused: “He was acting like he was drunk.”

Yes, because drunk people never have emergencies, too.

Twitter fights are pathetic.