Cheshire Moon

Wow this IS crap. Pure cash grab BS. Ugh.

OMG I have an only and have NEVER heard this. I do get "are you having another?" a fair amount, but my "nah, one and done" seems to work for everyone.

zomg... I know this girl. I went to college with her.

I would, but I feel like it would be cultural appropriation. Being entirely non-Kosher, myself.

Considering changing my kinja user name to "Kosher_Ham"


Or they might resent the tone in your voice.

I can see you're trying here, and I'm not going to tell you you're a bad mother. No "but," here. You're not a bad mother. You're an imperfect one, like all of us.

Semantic Pedantic moment.

Bullet. Dodged.

We were in a fairly unique situation. My boyfriend turning 18 coincided with his dad bringing home a wicked stepmother, and he was out on his ass in 2 months. He moved in with my mom and me after only being in a relationship for four months. But the alternatives were pretty grim.

now that she's dead I can say this. I was Shirly Temple Black's weight loss counsellor at Jenny Craig during my brief time there in the early 2000s. We were required to push these vitamin snack bars and she complained that they made her constipated. (They were full of iron)



Sweetie, you start your post with "she never physically or emotionally abused me" but everything you describe is absolutely emotional abuse. Part of what she's done to you is convince you she hasn't abused you. Name it for what it is, so you can recognize it going forward.

" My life's going pretty great, so I think a nice dose of mind-fucking and emotionally-draining horseshit is just what the doctor ordered."

Oh my god yours and these other stories sound exactly like the crap my birth mother has been spewing all over Facebook for the past 2 years. Everyone who hasn't bent to her will is a narcissist and a sociopath. And I must be poisoned against her for not wanting to be in contact. The fact is she comes off like an utter

Fact Check:

Oh I am right there with you. Mine is 7 months old, and ever since she was born I've wanted to save ALL the babies. It's really hard to read about or hear of anything like this.