Cheshire Moon

David Cross reminds me of when Liz Lemon goes to her high school reunion on 30 Rock. She doesn’t want to go because she was an awkward geek that nobody liked.

I will say this for the last time. Do not hold women accountable for the actions, decisions or words of their partners. Don’t. Do it.

Animal pee in the kitchen sink isn’t ‘messy’, its ‘dirty’ and a health hazard.

Hire a housekeeper. I get it, you’re busy and you never learned how to clean a house. Everyone will also chime in to say your husband could do it and so on. Okay. Still, hire a housekeeper. Knowing CPS won’t get involved in your parental rights is a low standard to set for yourself.

If there are women who have interests similar to theirs but women still don’t want to have anything to do with them, then maybe there is another reason that women don’t want to have anything to do with them.

Parental alienation is considered ABUSE. If she can get proof via text or voicemail she can use it to gain custody. I would recommend saving any crazy messages and also baiting him to admit it in text.

BB, if your mom is anything like mine (which I’m thinking is the case), she’s created a “perfect-scenario-vacation” ALL in her mind to which you will never live up to and will “ruin” in some way or another. The expectations from you will be unachievable because they are fathoms of your mother’s imagination. If you can

but much worse he talks bad about me to our four year old daughter.


No, go to prison old man. In fact, live a long life in prison.

The Fraser version of The Mummy is delightful. I don’t care what anyone says. It’s a great mixture of action and romance and comedy. And Fraser and Rachel Weisz are freaking delightful together. People who don’t like this movie are just wrong.

The Brendan Fraser movie is a gem, dammit!

Poor Brendan Fraser. The 90s era movie was so great.

Those are all fine points and Scientology does, absolutely, do those things. It is a cult, no question about it. But what I’m suggesting is that if you look back at the histories of the “major religions” you’ll find that they ALL did those things at one point or another. It’s just a matter of time and grafting onto

I’m not a Scientologist, and I’ve read/seen/heard many of the accounts of abuse within the religion, but every time I read/see/hear criticism of it, I can’t help but think “what’s the difference between those abuses and thousands (millions?) of similar or worse committed by other religions?” And what is the difference

Yes, exactly. I was thinking: Would you ask the same of a practicing Catholic, whose church can be tied to every bad thing under the sun? As far as I can tell, she isn’t preaching it. She isn’t trying to convert me or hiding messages about it in her work. She isn’t working to ruin anyone’s life. She’s just living her

Exactly. There’s a difference between being childless by choice and childless because of infertility.

I suspect that, maybe even subconsciously, many people feel that the choice *you* make to not have kids is a Negative Judgment Of *Their* Choice. Which, it’s really not; I couldn’t possibly care less about their desire for shrieking rugrats that will suck the life and all their money away.... Oh, wait....

I’ve told the longer story elsewhere on Jezebel but the short of it is my wife almost died from an ectopic pregnancy. We generally fall back on “well we tried but God tried to kill my wife so I figure its out of our hands. Take it up with him.”

The Dissipation is the hottest part: