Mama Grizzly

get killed! Camilla knew better!!!!!

Exactly, that is Luscious's fatal flaw. His ego gets in the way of his expression of love to his loved ones.

No daughter of Luscious would ever be a legitimate heir, legitimate or illegitimate. But any daughter of Luscious, legitimate and illegitimate would be financially and socially (from afar) provided for.

Luscious is misunderstood, he loves his family and if it was his daughter, he would provide for her and deal with her away from Empire. Luscious & Cookie created Empire for the family. Without Cookie for 17 years, he became ruthless, heartless and did whatever he had to do to go on (I'm referring to filling the

Agreed, If Luscious believed that Lola was his daughter, you would have seen more visible signs of it when she left, clothing, luggage, the limo waiting would have been more visible in the scene. Luscious probably thinks that the child is Reg's. Luscious is a billionaire, he would take Olivia's long absence and her

I think she will be back, unlike most people, I do not think that her paternity was solved with Luscious's gunpoint/hostage confession.

I suffered from bi polar and I have some controversial views on the subject. I believe that bi polar is the ACCUMULATION OF EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL DYSFUNCTION. I believe that it starts off as an emotional and mental problem first. The disease turns into a physical, chemical medical condition/disease based on the

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This show is deep. People are having trouble relating to the multidimensional nature of each one of this show's characters. Each and every character in this show is being presented in some complexity, even minor characters.This is what is groundbreaking for television. Even white shows tend to play up only 1 or 2

This show is deep.

I do not know why people like Andre and Rhonda's relationship. I think they love each other but so do Cookie and Luscious and so do Anika and Luscious,

yesssssssssssss!!!!! What would Bunkie do?

Luscious is not hardly unaware of himself. He's ruthless, and driven with a singleminded purpose.

I think your assessement is very interesting and I did think for a moment that Malcolm is up to no good. But Cookie is beautiful and sexy and not at all shy
about her desire for him. So it is not hard for him to fall into bed with her. This is a light fling, Cookie is trying to distance herself from Luscious and

He was teasing Jamal, as Jamal so obviously dotes on his little princess. He was being facetious to Jamal, not Lola.

It's not finished!

How do you know that Luscious is the father? No one ever called Maury. Seriously, they did not get a paternity test, so in truth nothing has been concluded here. This storyline will get picked up again. Luscious would never claim a child that he did not know for sure is his, he made that confession for Reg.

i believed this when he told Reg to shoot him. He was protecting them. Luscious has his own code of honor and he does not care what others think, even Cookie.

Manipulative, seriously. Did you see the scene. He sacrificed himself. That man was unbalanced, he could have shot Lusicous ( I know this is fiction). But unbalanced people do things like that for real. Luscious does love his family, it is impossible for him to be white picket fence father with the 2.2 children