Mama Grizzly

It's nice to have an intelligent, decent conversation about something important,
Take Care.

I accept your apology and offer my own, with regards to my comments about you. A silly twit would not apologize as you have done, disproving my theory. I speak from experience about bi polar, I have it and it runs in my family, and I stand by my comments and opinion, nothing irresponsible about them. Rigidity is

I don't see the your original response to my post, but I haven't forgotten it. You are either a silly, shallow, twit or you are angry because you have something to hide and are very uncomfortable with my opinion. This is a blog and your response was unbalanced. I made other posts in this blog about bi polar and if

RIP Empire! Farewell!

P S , Cookie never betrayed him,why is it that so many people think she snitched on him. It was Vernon who snitched on him.

Very insightful. I was never one of these Luscious haters, either. He's a family man and he loves his family, I see it in every episode. This show is deep but it is never given its proper due. I feel for Andre, but he's a chip off the old block. Andre is Luscious's son, all the way, bi polar and all. Luscious will

What is escapist about this show is the unattainable wealth that this family has, but the basic culture is very familiar for urban black America. There is a segment of America that is not noticed or acknowledged by America, but is present never the less.

I agree, but I understand that the guy is uncomfortable with the originality of the show, I think he is doing the best that he can.

Oh, how sweet of you, an invitation to argue, just what I need. I am Team Cookie I know all about her good points and the bad points. I rarely make a shallow assessment of anything or anyone. When I called her a loser, I was speaking strictly about the dynamic between her, Anika and Luscious. At the time of my

Me too, I'm saying the same thing too. Most people with bi polar resist it and they do not accept it at first. I did not want to take my meds and I was resentful when on the first few occasions that I had to be hospitalized. But, I came around and accepted it and then I had a spiritual awakening and I have never

You do not like this show!!! Why do you torture yourself?

I do not understand these comments. Most of you on this blog do not really like this show even though everybody is saying how much they really love it! My understanding of my bipolar condition has reached a new level of understanding after reading Empire blogs over the last couple of months.

How would they?

how would they????

Heh heh heh!! LOL!! But what is cheesy about it?

They produce a lot of music in a short space of time, he is on their schedule with this production, not his own. But I do not know anything about what he is doing. This is a gut level response. I think he would put his other things on hold til the off season. Again, I do not understand how they time this stuff.

And, are you the person sitting next to him?

People who have been unfairly and maliciously slandered KNOW that not everything reported by media and officials are true and factual. I will not back down on my points and in fact my points are actually factual and true!

I am African American and I am saying that this is true. I also suffered from it and I have a son with it right now. Medical knowledge of the disease is one dimensional and incomplete. The medical community does not either understand or acknowledge the origin of the disease. African Americans have opinions about

Actually, a LOT of things that have happened (ever) have been lied about or incorrectly reported and the truth comes out eventually. As for Abraham Lincoln's murder, there are some conspiracy theories out there just like every other assasinted president or political figure that has ever lived and these theories cloud