Mama Grizzly

I do not think he is the father, He was trying to save Cookie, Jamal and his family.

Her instincts told her that she would disappear if she didn't leave.
What would Bunkie do?

I believe it is Jamal's child. When he talked to Michael about the one time he had sex with Olivia and when Luscious asked him if it is a possibilitity that Lola could be his, he said yes. I think that this is a significant plot line, I do not think that it is filler. I believe that Luscious said that to protect

P.S. Whenever a person becomes bipolar, it is a team effort. They did not get there on their own. Bi polar is caused by a repression of emotion and mental energy (drives). It accumulates until the person becomes sick and then they have a meltdown. Then, everyone can see something that was already there that they

The scene was accurate. Television has never shown a bipolar meltdown and called it out as what it really is. A lot of these 'going postal' episodes where people break down and start killing and or maiming people, these school shootings, mass shootings, Some of these are bi polar meltdowns. Not everyone has been

Yes, it is accurate. A lot of the violent crime that gets reported on in the news ,where people go crazy and uncontrollable and kill and or maim people, comes from people who are having a bipolar crisis. It probably did not look real to you because television has never shown a bipolar meltdown that most of us can

i absolutely love the plot development with Andre, I hope they go 'all in' and discover his talent, Trai Byers brought the house down at the livestream that Empire characters and staff did last night. He has a beautiful voice and it needs to be on the show. They were going to do it all along that's why he was

Yes, i think creativity and talent can be passed on genetically along with other things. But I also think that talent is a combination of nature and nurture. I think some people can be groomed and developed and eventually become talented, too.

Yeah, and in real life, Empire or a company like it could well be destroyed by Luscious's issues.

This is a soap opera. Soap operas have various plot lines going on at the same time. Every plot line that has been introduced will be brought back up again. Because it has been so long since we have had a good nightime soap opera and because of this 'mouseclick' instant culture that people are accustomed to now,

Exactly, I was responding to some of the comments made about her in regards to the last episode.

I agree.

Jennifer Lewis as Cookie's mom, absolutely brilliant idea!

Check the post where I said Bingo, that is meant for you.
P.S. I am Team Cookie, I am one of the view people who understand her multidimensional nature. She is abrasive in part because Luscious is treating her like her shipped sailed without her and it is too late for her to be an integral part of Empire. Despite

Bingo!!! You nailed it! Luscious's issues are coming up now. He is supposed to be dying and so he is dealing with things that people deal with when they are dying. But Luscious has a WHOLE LOT of emotional garbage that he hasn't dealt with and it is coming back to haunt him now. He doesn't realize, because he is

Beretti's people, that's what I read.

Yeah, that was too harsh. Sorry!

Anika is a force to be reckoned with too! She can't lose or so she thinks. That is the one thing that she has over Cookie and it is the one t hing that makes Luscious enchanted with her. She would rather sink Empire than appear to be a loser in the eyes of the world. That is why she went to Beretti , but she

I knew there was some kind of legal explanation for it, I just did not know what it is.

I call myself Mama Grizzly because I am fierce about protecting the underdog or pointing out someone's position when I think they are being treated unfairly.