Mama Grizzly

I wonder, I can definitely understand your point. People like that Jerry Springer/reality show mess. I wonder how many ppl want the Jerry Springer stuff. I don't . I like the look of the show, and the classic relationship soap drama. If they do not let Cookie grow and be the mogul that she is, I will turn off

What is messy about it?

Absolutely true, but if he can go into a jail and take a prisoner a cell phone after hours, then he can sign his son into a hospital.

Luscious is a cash register not a human.

Thanks for the explanation.



I tried to google the plot sequence on that scene in Falcon Crest to be accurate in my account but I couldn't find it. My mother and I were so disgusted when we watched it that we didn't finish watching the episode. 2 of the main characters Chase and Maggie had a baby and for some reason that I do not remember

LOL!! I do not take any of it too seriously. But it is fun to watch and fun to comment on, but Scandal lost it's magic for me.

Luscious eyed her at the investors showcase but he did not know about her and Hakeem. Very interesting!

I'm sorry but this particular thread of conversation is lost on me, what is smart soap?

Remember " I'm gone take it " episode 3.

He doesn't need to tell him to get lost. Did you notice him TELL Luscious what kind of company Empire was right there in front of those employees.

Oops!! My bad!!!

i'm gonna watch it because I'm suffering from Scandal withdrawal, but it's not the same for me.

Cookie is getting stereotyped. She's not slutty but people do not understand her because of the hoodrat, hoochie, stereotypes. She went there to keep that artist. She is the Queen of Empire and she knows it. She knew exactly what she was doing and she is not weak enough to be a slut.Cookie is vulnerable to Luscious

I could care less about people not liking the show, but I have problems when people try to form boycotts and movements to stop art, just don't watch it. When they try to control people like this, they are guilty of everything that they accuse the show, or whatever it is they don't like, of being.

I'm sorry, scandal just crossed the line and has now joined the rest of the night time soap operas that went to far and cannot come back.
1) Dallas- Pam asleep for a whole year
2) Dynasty-The Moldavian massacre
3) Falcon Crest- the baby on the cliff
Nobody remembers this one, but here it is, 4) Flamingo Road- Morgan

OMG!!! I see this so differently. They have so many things to work with so many plot lines to develop. I just hope that they do not skip any major plot lines by getting caught up in the side issues.

The writers shut Anika down immediately because I believe that they do not want to deal with a trajectory that puts Empire in real jeopardy even though this whole thing is fiction. Cookie cut Anika down before she was able to do any damage. Cookie and Portia are' road dawgs'. Portia understands that her security is