Mama Grizzly

It's painfully accurate. When the bipolar is managed, you do not get such intense and severe breakdowns, but when it is undiagnosed or untreated (such as not medicated) then a person with bipolar can go into a complete meltdown and become violent or become the victim of someone else's violence.

Oh No No No, it doesn't bother me, I'm keeping this all in perspective, this is a tv show that I really love, but it is still fiction. I always root for the underdog, that is why I am Mama Grizzly watching over her little ones (the underdog)

Cookie is all about Empire, she is Luscious's partner in this with one major difference, she is vulnerable to Luscious because she is still in love with him. Luscious has Anika and Anika filters and blocks his feelings for Cookie, just wait until Cookie realizes this dynamic in their relationship. I guarantee you,

Are you serious?

About Andre, yes, he definitely needs Cookie. Andre appeared to have it all together, so they all neglected him and his deepest wound over Cookie's imprisonment was buried so deep that it is coming out now in this way, bipolar condition. I hope that Cookie will help him bring out his artistic talent that he

Because people love the show, they can do no wrong. But they are going to have to tweak some issues or their fan base will start dropping off. They probably know this already. I don't care what you say, that bar scene with that extravagant version of 'You're so beautiful' was truly 'beautiful'.

I agree that disliking homosexuality is universal, not just a black thing or a black man's thing. The buzz about this show is making too much of this issue. The show itself is okay in having one of the son's be gay, but I it seems that the show is trying to make sure that the gay storyline is always prominent in

I am completely mystified at most people's response to Hakeem.
I see a wounded child in him. Most children get angry at their mothers for abandonment even when it is not the mother's fault.
He was a baby, baby, baby, I repeat baby when Cookie left.
Have you ever been at a family gathering or anywhere and seen a baby

Thank you!!

Most medicines have side effects and the medicines for bipolar are no different, But most people with bipolar do not want to take the medicine because the manic phase makes a person feel invincible and taking medicine is a let down to the person's sense of invincibility.

I am not trying to imply that bi polar is not a physical medical condition. It is, but, bi polar is depression, intense longstanding depression that has become an illness. If you read anything on the condition of bipolar, the first thing that they are going to say is that it is depression. I just went deep into an

I didn't know that ALS can go into remission but that makes since because the disease, while not cancer, has some similarities to cancer. The writers will probably go the remission route

Speaking from my own experience with it and I can only speak about my experience and have opinions about someone else's, repressing your feelings and thoughts, not doing things you should be doing (creative expression) and these things building up over time leads to a breakdown in the psyche and it becomes physical.

I believe that being the son of 2 artists, gives him artistic talent. Cookie is an artist too, she just doesn't perform. Also, being around so much music in his formative years, He may not be a singer, he may play an instrument or he may be a writer or some other type of artist.

Ditto to cama

LOL!! i like it. Seriously, I wrote a letter which I will be sending to both Lee Daniels and Danny Strong this week. I wrote a suggestion for a plot line for Luscious. Luscious should get a new homeopathic/herbalist type doctor ( a genuine licensed doctor), not a witch doctor. This doctor would put Luscious on an.

The show is about the Lyons family, they will always be the main focus, even Andre's wife is not always shown at family gatherings. Hakeem is mad at Tiana so it is realistic for her to not be seen right now, but I saw a preview of Tiana, Hakeem and Cookie at a bar, so she is about to reappear. Veronica is a small
