Mama Grizzly

Dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it.

Vintage Empire! This episode was "true to the game". It had everything that diehard Empire fans want, intrigue, drama, and music in a beautiful setting.I can't wait for next week.

It's 3 weeks into the series and I am watching because I am starved from a lack of nighttime dramas of the good old fashioned kind(my opinion). It started out very lackluster but got intriguing last night 10/112015. The plots have thickened. I will keep watching, but ,yes, like so many of the comments here speak

This show appeals to it's core fan base because of the LOVE, I REPEAT LOVE that Luscious and Cookie have for each other. It's a modern day fairy tale with realistic premise(s). The people who truly like this show, like it because it is original, never before have we seen urban America(black) portrayed this way,

More and more as the weeks pass by, and layers of truth unfold, I am becoming more and more convinced that Empire/Fox production may have to make a drastic change and give Lee Daniels the boot, "throw" him "under" the proverbial "bus". His misogyny which is aimed pointedly at black women and his issues of self-hate

He knows, he told Cookie in the last few minutes of the season 1 finale, that it was between him (Luscious) and God.

Thank you, I will research this. God bless.

Absolutely, thank you so much for your reference. I have had the Egyptian book of the dead on my reading list for a few years now. I think I will try to get it this weekend.

Agreed, They think that black people are so stupid and weak that we can be turned out. They can get a small percentage of blacks to go along with this perversion, but most black people's wrath is being increased because this crap is responsible, in part, for the terrible living conditions in this country right now.

Lee Daniels is the front man, but he's no innocent victim. I like the show because it is important, politically, culturally and socially, but white hatred is threatening to destroy it. I will not continue to rush to the TV at 9pm on Wednesday night to be insulted. Gay people don't even like this because it dehumanizes

What is political about the system incarcerating Luscious is that they broke the law. They refused to give him a bail hearing because he can post bail, they also don't have a case against him. They only did it because he's black. White billionaires kill people and have illegal businesses along side with legal

Ladies and gentlemen, you just witnessed "Uncle Tom"" coonery" on steroids and you did not even notice it. This article is slander even though it appears to be a "shout out" to Taraji's very real humility which shines through all of the Hollywood glamour. I don't think Ms. Veiga realizes it either, this is what black

The show works because even though they rush through storylines, each and everything that they present has a believable premise. The details are not always accurate and authentic but the general premise of the storyline or scene is really authentic. Mainstream America's lack of understanding of urban America is

I love the show too much to abandon it at this point, but I am tired of the constant mentions, allusions and visions of homosexuality. It's actually racist, trying to put black people in a bad light especially when most black people are what most people consider to be homophobic.

I want to see it, what "House" are you referring to?

I don't like some of Daniels perspectives, but the show would tank WITHOUT HIM.

What's the point?


Yeah, May-December relationships are not as taboo as people would like to believe that they are.

This show is brilliant, they travel at breakneck speed because most people are reflective of the 'mouseclick' phenomenom whereby everything is delivered to you in an instant.
But, their awesomeness comes from the fact that they also satisfy those of us who like substance and gravitas. They are not finished with any of