
And George married 2 of the Gabor sisters! Zsa Zsa and my favorite Magda!

If we are discussing lines we are using, "It's all tits and fist fights and me looking like a real cool daddy." And I am only using when asked how my new job is going. And yes, I am a lady. And yes, I am a customer service supervisor.

I just watched it again.The whole Trog thing with the mask. The scene with Cathy. Joan sitting in her living room.
Bette talking about her mother, the scene at the Oscars… ack.
I cried like a baby.

Lange nailed that line! I love it also because it wasn't necessarily untrue. It's a legitimate matter of opinion if Davis deserved it more than Swanson.
Not up for debate, Sunset Boulevard is still the shit! So is All about Eve, but a lot of that is due to the unsung heroes, 2 of my favorites, George Sanders and

And then people wander through the living room, "why are you crying in the dark at 5am watching TCM?" You hate to tell them, "Shut up! You wouldn't understand… You like Twilight!"

Carol's spoof's made me more of an old movie lover. I remember watching Born to Be Bad for the first time. It wouldn't have been as much fun without Born to be Rotten clanging around in the memory vault.

Jesus, she was such a sport on Trog. Broke my heart.

I watched it for the first time Saturday too. I was surprised how moved I was by the romance. I was broken hearted by the end of it.

I am watching White Princess on Showtime and blocking the part of my brain that wasted its youth reading history. It's not bad so far.

Rain! She was so beautiful and vulnerable.

Torch Song is better if you saw the Carol Burnett version as a kid and then saw the real version drunk confused the two. "I've seen this before!"

Just watched Humoresque on Saturday. Wept. Became insanely attracted to John Garfield. Was it even legal for a man to ooze sex on screen like that in the '40's? Where was the fucking Hayes commission? I had the vapors.

I really liked that I realized it was Danny from Time Travelers before they mentioned it. And that I was trying to cause the Avalanche by screaming before the bots did.

The best part of Time Travelers was the amount of special effects that was done by slight of hand magic! They just called up all the out of work stage magicians they knew and Presto! that was their special effects. "Well just have our lovely assistant Danny get on this spinning board and through the power of magical

I have Green Chartreuse and Absinthe in my pantry right now… You know… late night… Moulin Rouge off sale… My sister only likes complicated Belle Epoche poison cocktails…
That might be good.

Should I bring it home and add vodka or would that be too much?

My favorite part turns out to be that episode three is also a Ib Melchoir production!!!! We wound up being super excited.

Mamacita knew the truth. Pauline was the only one worth a damn.

No! I want the Gathering.

I was I the only person who spent all day Sunday thinking about acquiring a sectional sofa? Specifically the Gathering.