
Serinda Swan floored me. Pitch: sort of a Barefoot in the Park-esque limited run series with Anne Bancroft and Mel Brooks.

Yes! I tried to go back to see if Truble was on the ground with the arm was cut off, but it looked like she was standing right there. Did she think Nick sliced the thing's arm off with a roundhouse kick? She must think he's pretty cool…

I've been saying "It's nothing but tit's and fist fights and me looking like a real cool daddy." all day. And I am not going to lie people have been looking at me funny.
Ryan Murphy needs to do Mini-series with Toby Huss's asshole Frank Sinatra as a center piece. I'd watch the hell out of that. Maybe 4 episodes.

I am really hoping Barry can't save her and that the telepathic gorilla kills Goofy Wells.

I won't lie. I like her aggression. She just needs to find her groove. But no, she's not quite doing it for me yet.

He's so gross. I'd say hold out for the Night King before Littlefinger. At least he's got a crown.

But Jon Snow fan service has him getting down in the blood and shit of battle and earing his plot armor while making real emotional connections to other characters. I understand why they follow him around even though he has no dragons.
Dany might as well be encased in glass for as little as she connects to other

Which is just an example of the crackerjack management skills Jon is bringing to this king gig.
I know she's a murderer and all, but she's got fire magic/can bring the dead back occasionally and they are fighting an ice king with a zombie army. The balance sheet says you over look some holes in her resume!

And yet they might have been okay with, "m'lady had those fooking dogs eat his fooking face? Well done, m'lady! Perhaps you could have cut his cock off first or flayed him a bit… Still… Well done"

You know the fact that they didn't burn the kid's body means Jon gets to kill Undead Rickon himself at a later date. That won't be hard. Maybe Arya will have to deal with it.

Because everything is easy for Dany. There is virtually nothing at stake in her story that the audience feels a connection to. She flies her dragons. The day is saved. Some arrives and gives her a navy for practically nothing.

That was the battle cry in our living room. That and "Roll like Shatner, you little twat! Confuse the fucker!"

Maybe she didn't want to explain all her martial rape issues and her creepy relationship to Little finger to Jon in front of complete strangers. Also if she blindly accepts the Knights of the Vale, how many strings are attached?

Was it weird my husband yelled, "Hell yeah! She's sewing! She's in the fucking zone!"

Let's hope she found a Direwolf gentleman caller and had some babies otherwise we are what I would call DIREWOLF POOR! Between that and "hold the door!" I think I am going to just cry myself to sleep.

Did she deny it? Did Sheldon? Sheldon's usually the first person to tattle.

Howard from Better Call Saul! That should have knocked it up into B+ range. Patrick Fabian was acting like there was something at STAKE! He clearly thought he was on another show. Something on pay cable. He is creepy was set on kill.
All I can remember about the show is what he was doing, whether it be making love to

Maybe. But it is too soon to be sure. All we can really know is that Nick's testicles are a hexenbieast storage unit. A little perk that came with what we call his "alarmed meerkat" super hearing.

I really wanted Leigh to punch her. That would have been amazing. It wasn't just not being able to act. She was unlikeable. Like Juliette from Grimm unlikeable.

But I loved that she talked smack to !Coma!Barbara.
If she had have slapped her around a little, I'd have dressed as Leigh for Halloween.