People that don’t understand/haven’t seen how fucking cool Hillary Goddamned Rodham Clinton has always been are missing out on so fucking much.
People that don’t understand/haven’t seen how fucking cool Hillary Goddamned Rodham Clinton has always been are missing out on so fucking much.
So, no matter who you voted for, Syria was getting bombed. And you decided not to vote for the woman who would at least put some actual deliberation into the decision because the other guy.....what? Is a guy? Will bomb Syria in the most destructive and unplanned way possible? Will do far more damage to both US AND…
She would have been criticized even more. ‘Ma’am there’s no place for snark, this is the presidential race’ (cut to Chump talking about his penis size)
Oh my god YASSSS! I want bitchy, sarcastic HIllary ALL FUCKING DAY.
I’ve never been a massive fan of Hillary Clinton, but there’s no question she was far and away the most qualified and thoughtful candidate in this year’s election. What left me completely flummoxed though were the shit-ass excuses heard about why people weren’t going to vote for her. She might go crazy during her…
If Hillary Clinton were President, 8 year old American Nora al-Awlaki & 35 other women/children would still be alive today because she would not have greenlit a raid Obama previously refused to.
Yeah, I’m definitely curious about this book by in large part is that she has to be fucking FURIOUS and deservedly so. Not saying she’s a perfect candidate, but Trump’s victory has got to feel like a steaming turd that was carelessly laid over her decades of work. She has zero fucks to give, so I’m interested in…
Part of it is ageism, I think. It’s just assumed that a young woman (or man) who seems to have half a brain might be more aware than her buffoonish, fact-avoiding father. Many younger people (falsely!) believe it’s only older people who are racist and out of the loop—so Ivanka should be cool and “get it.”
This is completely on point. Eric and Don Jr. look like the villains in a teen movie, and talk like shit-heads. Ivanka is conventionally pretty and talks in moderate terms. So people have jumped to the conclusion that she’s somehow going to be the savior here.
Ah, in which case I apologize. And I can only assure you that personally when I say she’s complicit I mean she’s willfully acting as a smokescreen for her dad.
“Part of equality is the equal capacity to be a shithead.”
I think the “complicit” thing comes from the months previous where she was very publicly trying to stay out of the fray, smiling a lot in photo shoots about her and her family, and just saying a few milquetoast criticisms of her dad and laughing off the whole pussy-grabbing thing as a minor flaw. So the charges of…
Because she’s pretty and we’re wired to trust beautiful people. It’s been proven in studies.
As far as just Ivanka goes, I think she gets an (undeserved, IMO) benefit of the doubt because:
I think it’s mainly because most of the rest of the administration isn’t pretending to be anything else but proto-fascists. She’s telling the world that she’s being a moderating influence.
But you’re right, we should hold them all in such high contempt.
To address your last paragraph: Why not both? She can be completely unable to sway her father AND doesn’t give a shit about women’s rights... or even human rights for that matter.
Expecting Ivanka to save you from the GOP is like expecting Cersei to save you from Joffrey.
We’ve taken Taylor Swift Feminism to its most extreme degree, I guess. Empty platitudes and declarations to boost your positive PR while doing nothing to stop or fight the actual issues. Anybody who thinks Ivanka Trump could be an ally or is worthy of defending can take every seat.
Isn’t it painfully obvious that she only cares about her and hers??