She needs to suck a water cannon. Especially if it's black.
She needs to suck a water cannon. Especially if it's black.
LOL that's super passive-aggressive. That dude is funny
There's a common thread here..."Watch Dogs" is about profiling "strange others" while the other games tend towards a "escapist fantasy scenario." what that means I don't know.
The only stat that matters is who won the most Super Bowls. And we all know the answer to that one.
Was he high off of those "deux-deux-deux" pills that he likes?
10x the normal rate for used women's porn clothing? Is there a way to invest in this phenomena and make 10x my money back? Please tell me how.
I'm going to love watching the GOP drive themselves to extinction when they attack Hillary. They won't be able to stay away from the usual sexual tropes, I know.
This should be crossposted to Jezebel. I'd like to see what their commentators think about this,
Damn, this must have been when Oprah was doing coke 24/7. I'm jealous.
^^^^^^ short man syndrome
Is he autistic or something? That's a bit odd for 9.
I like how the default FB thumbnail for this article will probably get me in trouble for sharing it. oh well
Must've hit him on the right spot somewhere on his jaw; I used to see Tyson do that to some folks with his fists.
Ok, I lost that bet (figured you had at least two based on the amount of games you played; there had to be one or more kickoffs where you had to tackle the receiver). there goes $5. lol
How many times do you think you tackled a punt receiver during your career? NFL stats don't keep track of that for punters, from what…
that whole episode of Dragnet must be the epitome of LSD portrayals done on TV.
Funny article. You seem a bit more articulate than the other football players. Odd question many concussions have you suffered in your kicking career? Just want to settle a bet with somebody.