
Nope, it has to be somebody who bet on to them to get into the playoffs. LOL

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You mean this track was true after all? :(

Best deadspin article of 2014 so far.

Maybe the idea secretly turns her on.

yeah...I don't think he will go that far. He might take a few more chunks out of it, though; particularly the eastern parts that have third-generation Russians living there since they were installed there back in the 50s by the USSR. :/

he cheated better than the rest of them for a long time? I dunno. Because it seems like they all cheat anyway.

She is inspirational, and she made me shed a tear.

Does she still have the ability to feel pleasure from sex?

wtf is going on here, man? I'm scared now

The only way she can get out of this one without becoming a pariah is for her to star in a gangbang porno flick with 8 or more black guys. Makes sense to me.

A friend of mine was in jail once and he met this young white kid who had a big swastika on his back that was tattooed on him at the age of 14, but apparently he regretted it a year after he got it and didn't have the money or contacts to get it fixed. That kid was funny as hell. Always made sure to wear two sets of

IOW you're ignorant about historical context. Must not think too deeply.

Somebody's going to have a nice story to tell at their next AA meeting.

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Damn you! You reminded me of a show that was good for 2 and half seasons.

...said from the perspective of one who benefits from white privilege in society.

Probably will have alien invaders next. Cute gimmick.

Well, this certainly wouldn't have happened had the boy had a Nintendo WiiU.

damn picture didn't show up for some reason. stupid kinja

Well, Madden lied to us. Who knew?

I don't think there's a single leader of any country on this Earth that could take Putin in a MMA fight. Maybe that Ukrainian boxer-turned-politician could do it if he managed to become president. That'd be an interesting fight to watch.

The real conspiracy is how the NFL held the Steelers out of the playoffs by having the refs make a bad call near the end of the Chiefs-Chargers game. Seriously bro, that was just wrong.