This man is not impressed.
We are seeing the eventual death of Nintendo as a serious player in the (non-handheld) console wars, step by step.
It's been speculated that she has thrush; might also be the result of too much partying and not enough vitamins.
I'd put it in her butt.
That's "sic", not "sick". #corrections
Hope he can get an English translator that makes the plot semi-legible to follow. The first one had a great battle (and general gaming) engine, but the incoherent translation was distracting for many, IMO.
When in console history has being "fringe" saved it from a mass extinction? Didn't work for the TG-16, which was considered "fringe" yet much more capable for its time than the WiiU is for its?
That don't mean Nintendo isn't going to eat serious death in the form of permanent irrelevancy, my semi-educated friend. It's no longer a serious competitor in "big" console gaming. Maybe it should stick to the kiddie "handheld" format where it belongs. Y'know, for the autistic set.
LOL I bet he wrote that after doing a couple of coke lines with Dan Snyder. I see how this dude rolls. Danny boy got that fever for cornball antics. I can't hate though, that player is tapping some fine white girl ass after the sun sets, I've noticed thanks to the tabloids. He should change it up occasionally with…
You brought a bunch of unrelated factors (feminists/"social-justice warriors") into an equation that doesn't need it. The equation is simply this: Nintendo = antiquated like old children wind-up toys from the first half of the 20th century, hence why it it's dragging in last place among the "major" console makers. Put…
Hence "HGH". I probably should've thrown in "etc" as well, though. Them motherfuckers is cheating like none other, you know what I'm saying son.
Somebody missed their daily dose of Risperdal. Better call the nurse.
Seattle fans sure love logical fallacies, LOL. Too bad the Steelers kicked their team's ass in the Super Bowl a couple years ago. Amateurs.
Between the Adderall, the HGH, the constant pass interference philosophy they employ, I can say one thing: Seattle does sure know how to cheat. I see their coach's mindset has infected the whole organization. Roger Goodell can't do anything about it, either. LOL!!!!!
This whole thread makes me think there is something very wrong with your values system. Are you on medication?
Nintendo is becoming increasingly irrelevant in the (non-handheld) console business. Maybe they should just pull a Sega and only deal with the software part of console gaming. Hang it up, guys.
I don't see the problem. He seems to be correct on a technical basis (that the referees were either blind, stricken with Alzheimer's, or bribed). He just needs to condense that message into a three paragraph presentation, preferably typed if possible.