
Trayvon Martin 2: NFL Bugaloo

that’s what I said too when I read this article.

so he’s retarded? I dunno what else to say

he should have doubled down by leaving some poop on the scene. that shows you mean business

wow, xenophobic much?

So I take it you haven’t seen JJ’s “Star Trek” reboot series, eh? Because you wouldn’t be citing him as an example for that if you did.

[Don’t worry Star Wars fans - you’ll see what I mean as well when he puts out “Episode VIII” in the theaters as well.]

As someone who used the Internet during the late 90s and lurked on several different boards dedicated to the show at the time, I have to disagree with your conclusion. People were just as quick to critize it then as they do now - especially during the seasons where Scully and Mulder weren’t the main characters on the

Some of Gene’s later Trek stuff wasn’t that great [the first two seasons of TNG come to mind] but he was nowhere near as bad in that regard as Lucas and Carter are.

> they need to JJ Abrams that that chiz

By that do you mean they need to reboot the series with new actors playing the old characters, while taking out any signs of intelligent plotting and replacing it with vapid action scenes and tons of lens flares?

There are some fears that the main anti-viral med in the PReP concoction [Truvada] is quickly becoming obsolete due to some strains of HIV becoming immune to it:

> I moved to Boston about 3 years ago

So sorry to hear that. Hope things get better for you soon.

> and those oversized slices of bread cut down the middle they call hot dog
> buns are one of the stupidest fucking things I’ve experienced here, next
> to not taking your backpack off on a crowded train and making left

Hopefully a porn company takes full advantage of this and has him do a guest role in one of their movies after the Knicks kick his ass to the curb.

Kinda weird how the ADA is saying ‘there’s no such thing as a public record’ and then openly leaves hints on Twitter about what Mason should do legally to stretch out the process.

Does this guy have a chance of being drafted in the NFL? I know he had to sit out a season because of this. Anyone know? [don’t watch

I know I haven’t bothered to really watch the WWE since 2000...but damn, Shane got old.

I see that the WWE is still engaged in shitty top-card booking for their PPVs, though. Some things never change.

deadspin poll: would you hit it?

probably used to the routine, given her chronic condition. I bet the fentanyl they probably had her on helped that state of nonchalantness too.

he lost weight by dehydrating himself. That will definitely do a number on your kidneys.

>winners don’t need excuses

And neither does Kimbo. Not sure if ‘winning’ is what you want to call his performance against a guy who dropped 40 lbs and nearly died of a heart attack in the ring, though.

Mallory Ortberg is a talented writer? Could’ve fooled me.