
lacking dedicated RAM, lacking the ability to not have a mandatory Kinect (aka spyware/motion detector gimmick machine), lacking an organization that doesn't have their head up their ass (as M$ has been over the last few years).

M$ is going to have to work hard if they want to be in 2nd place this generation; because

There's like a million sequels/knockoffs to Gals Panic out there. Which one is the best one, you think?

Mandatory Kinect, less RAM and costs $100 more?

I agree, that is something to laugh about. M$ fucked up this time; they better have solid games coming out from day 1 or they're fucked when it comes to this current console gen-cycle.

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Chyna was never really a good wrestler even when she was roided-up. Most female wrestlers depend on agility to make their matches look good and the 'roids can screw that up if they're used too much. She couldn't even take on Joey Buttafucco in a real boxing match, for god's sake:

All that glitz is to hide the fact that the XBone is lacking compared to the superior PS4.

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That's all fine and dandy, but it doesn't change the fact that his work is sophomoric at best compared to other graffiti artists.

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I'm mad because he's making bank off some weak shit while real motherfuckers with the actual skills are struggling to get by, know what I'm saying?

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he's a $traight $ellout hack; who gives a fuck, frankly

I can't find the poll you're referring to. There's one that Snyder likes to use; it's been discounted already because of its crappy sampling methods. It is up to you to find the citations; the burden of proof is on the one making the claims, and that would be you. I suggest you do so when you get at a computer;

aw, I remember when I was 14 too.

Where are you pulling this stat from? your asshole?

[citation needed], in other words

My, what an eloquent fellow you are. I'd tell you to do the same to your mother but I'm guessing you don't need any more brother/son kin hanging around that smooth telephone pole you call a family tree.

No, he's right. You should probably shut the fuck up when it comes to this topic.

I agree with you, man. That's a major error to put on the Internets and all. People will repeat it as if it were true, and nobody really wants that to happen.

It does have an issue where most of the heroes do the same damage, regardless if it's Superboy or Steel or whoever else you can play as. It's so-so otherwise.

Ketchup rules, mustard sucks unless it's honey or brown. This guy deserves to be fired.

I totally agree Owen. The Ouya seems to be a gimmick to me so far, more suited for emulators and a couple of homebrew games than a serious console.

these comments are hilarious.