How indeed?
How indeed?
True, Pac-Man hasn't really been "Pac-Man" since the Ms. Pac-Man days. "Pac-Mania" was the last sequel that tried to adhere somewhat to the original formula (albeit with jumping and a 2/3rds screen perspective)
she's supposed to be 14 years old in that picture, dude. you got problems
The 'fade-in' screen after the intro in particular is supposed to resemble the fade-in screen for "Super Mario World" as well (the Atari ST had some 16-bit capabilities, IIRC).
It was actually based off of "Super Mario Land" for the Gameboy (note the level design, especially later in the game). I think it has a '92 copyright; could be wrong though.
How about because people are making millions of their likenesses while the players themselves have to deal with the lingering aftereffects of whatever injuries they suffered while playing college ball? Don't give me that "free tuition and board" crap; the colleges are making 100-1000x in gameday ticket sales alone…
He's Mexican, I think.
College football teams tend to have less parity than NFL teams, and their so-called playoff system ("bowls") is basically broken IMO (I'm more of a NFL fan, obviously). There's a few minor rule differences as well, but the big difference is the level of talent on a college team compared to the pro teams (only 2% of…
DS9 is worth following, although you should try to watch the episodes all in order (that wasn't quite as necessary with the other spinoffs, which were mostly episodic in nature, IIRC).
I like the actor and am a huge Star Trek fan - but "Enterprise" was the worst of all the series, IMO. Out of four seasons, there might be half a season of okay to decent episodes. The way they ended that series in particular was quite a shame, IMO - even TOS's last episode (the goofy "Turnabout Intruder", with Shatner…
LOL, read a history book. Many of the European colonies in North and South America had slaves - Brazil was the last "Western" country to abolish it, and that was more than 20 years after the US had fought the Civil War.
It's a better RPG than any of the ones made specifically for the Wii U, that's for sure.
Eh...he was great during the 20th century; but he probably should've retired a decade ago...or at least before he went on his last 'roid/HGH binge that made him look like a totally different person despite the alleged 'Wellness' program supposedly being run during his 'transformation'.
But seriously, he was the…
One of the few post-2000 WWE skits that actually appeals to folks who aren't under the age of 14. Too bad that's more the exception than the rule these days.
I think they used an 'expansion cart' for this that had extra chips on hand for graphics and sounds - something not really available during the Atari 2600's heyday.
You mean this game?
It's not too bad for a port if you factor in that an Atari 2600 was a lot weaker than the NES in terms of hardware. So I assume this could actually play in a real system if it were programmed into a 2600 cartridge?
He's killing villains, something the old 'good' Spider-Man didn't do purposely (at least when written properly). I'd say lawful evil.
Figures. lol