Um, Latinas (and Latinos) are Americans too, pilgrim.
Um, Latinas (and Latinos) are Americans too, pilgrim.
I hope they aren't trying to charge folks for this 'game' (seems more like a glorified sandbox demo for its physics engine than an actual game, BTW).
This is a freebie, right? It has to be.
probably both
Wow, I laughed at the video for this game until I cried and my lungs hurt. That's rare. The Ouya will be famous for all the wrong reasons, I can see. But let's not hate too hard - sit back, relax, and enjoy the 'kuso-ge' that is to come.
Why does Mario look like Geraldo Rivera in this HD remake?
So is it going to be realistic in that UW will tire out after 2 minutes in a match? Since that was one of his issues when he was wrestling for the WW(F/E) [in-ring stamina].
Is he high off of pain medication or something in this video? It would explain a lot.
It started out good, but kinda petered out near the end. Could've been better.
To be fair, he was possessed by demons in that issue.
So the Crips and the Bloods can be friends after all.
something tells me this guy has never smoked weed
They're both garbage, but VIII is much worse.
Meh...the GBC/DS remakes of IV (the regular version, not the 'enhanced 3D' version) and V are the best ones to check out for newbies (III can be worth a look as well, even in an enhanced '3D' mode, which I usually do not like for remakes of older games). The series goes downhill after V.
I guess someone hasn't played a certain Super Nintendo game.
Doomsday? Darkseid? Those aren't credible enough Superman villains for you?
"Man Of Steel Is Not A Bad Game. Just A Bad Superman Game."
Has there ever been a 'good' Superman game? (one where he flies solo; not one of those "Justice League" games)
That's why some of us are thrown off by the title.
I thought people used cheap cigar 'blunts' (ala Phillies or White Owls) for that; 'black and mild' mini-cgars were more for the folks too broke to buy regular packs of cigarettes (or can tolerate its harsh taste, I guess).
"treasure hunters/mafia angle"
So it ripped off "The Goonies"?
>honestly would have expected Apple to jump in
The last time that happened, this occurred: