It's supposed to be something like cancer all through his body, but definitely manifests itself by disfiguring his epidermis.
It's supposed to be something like cancer all through his body, but definitely manifests itself by disfiguring his epidermis.
Yeah, I remember the time Apple tried to release a console over 15 years ago. It bombed horribly.
Hmmm...I wonder if the banhammer is coming for this one soon.
really? why'd they do that?
excellent post. well done.
No, she got crabs from former NY mayor John Lindsay. She _never_ slept with Barry Williams/"Greg Brady". Stop spreading rumors.
'Brady Bunch' mom Florence Henderson brought home a souvenir from one-night stand with a New York mayor; debunks Greg Brady affair rumor
Maybe it should print quarters and dimes instead, to be more accurate.
Yeah, corticosteroids tend to destroy muscle over time with repeated use AFAIK; the opposite of anabolic steroids.
Rowsdower? You mean like this guy?
I tried it again last year. I quit at the end of disc 1; it really is hollow compared to other PSX-era FFs in terms of gameplay and the plot fails to impress anyone who's not into cheesy adolescent romance stories (aka anyone old enough to buy/drink alcohol)...but plots weren't really the strong point of most FF games…
Brilliant counter-argument. You surely are a master of debating things.
Too bad us mere mortals were bored silly by FF8's emo plot and substandard battle engine; the game feels like they took the least desirable aspects of FF7 and decided to expand on them for some reason, right down to the excessive amount of…
FF8 was garbage - that's the game that made me drop the FF series for a very long time (and I've been playing them since I owned FF1 for the NES). It took me nearly a decade to go back to playing any FF after that.
Sure are a lot of pedophile sympathizers in this thread. Kotaku's fanbase is fucking weird at times, man.
Ex-pimp named Adonis with the nickname "Superman"? Now that's a gimmick. Is he any good, this particular freak match aside?
lol, is there anybody who actually likes this article?
Pittsburgh's South Side is nothing but an endless line of bars alternating with restaurants (most of which serve alcohol as well). Some of the nearby neighborhoods house a lot of dope fiends, though; and this sounds like a case of that.
It's too gimmicky IMO - it might make a for a couple okay singles, but I have to see one that actually holds up for a whole album without being at least 50% filter and skits; and I haven't seen any real 'breakout' stars that have relased something on the level of Nas's Illmatic, or Dr. Dre's "The Chronic" (ie a whole…