This is the best M$ rap video ever; by Machine Gun Kelly.
This is the best M$ rap video ever; by Machine Gun Kelly.
please let this dog meme die already
For every one of these types of entries in DeviantArt, there's a thousand orgy pics involving "furry" video game/cartoon characters or underage anime girls. Bunch of weirdos, frankly.
Pffft, Kazaa is some newbie stuff compared to downloading binaries off of Usenet back when 14.4k modems was the norm. You kids don't really know 'bout that life.
Are they going to bring MSX-style glory to the flailing X-Box in Japan? I think they could do it!
I'm sure they love not seeing even 1% of the money college athlete divisions make off of them. You guys have a skewed perspective on how sports work.
It is when you don't reach the NFL and have to live with the aftereffects of concussions and/or whatever injury screwed up your career.
Why do George's eyes look so haunted in that picture? Regrets of some sort, perhaps?
>Actually it's worse. Jimmy Fallon's show is on NBC.
>Ever heard of MSNBC? The acronym is short for "MICROSOFT National >Broadcasting Company."
Someone needs to keep up with their news. Microsoft's MSNBC stock was bought out by NBC Universal last year and MSNBC is the process of being rebranded as an extension of NBC…
So far, all of the 'tams I've used (piracetam mostly, but there's one other one that I can't quite remember but is none of the ones mentioned in this thread) have caused too much anxiety and other negative emotions in me for me to consider using them (doctors actually wouldn't prescribe me Chantix [an anti-smoking…
aka "Spider-Man" before his "Venom" black suit run. Everybody knows that.
Well, it could be worse; see "Wii U" for example.
Why does Microsoft's presentation of "X-Box One" remind me of how Phillips pushed their CD-i console?
The Dreamcast was way better for its time than the Wii U is considered, IMO. No comparison at all. And I speak as one who thought Sega's consoles were released in a half-assed manner.
DC was one of the most powerful consoles upon its release. Wii U is barely #3 in terms of sheer console power compared to two other…
You will do neither because you can do neither, fanboy. Nintendo sucks, get over it.
So it's using discrete circuitry? That's not too new...many 70s US-UK arcade machines did this; you can see this technology in action in the USSR up until the late 80s as well.
Here's a Flash simulation of such an old Soviet machine: Soviet Arcade Simulation (Flash)
true that, son
I like the guy rapping in the video; but didn't he (T-Rock) get his collarbone broken by a Three 6 member after he disassociated from Hypnotize Minds? Or is that another ex-Three Six member I'm thinking of?
I knew J.J. was going to sleepwalk his way through this one. He doesn't give a crap about Star Trek; he's too busy thinking about Star Wars and about how many lens flares he can get onto that series. I knew it was all downhill from the first "Trek" remake. :(