Let me guess...you're an A&M "alumnus"...and you probably also have "big hair". right? right?
Let me guess...you're an A&M "alumnus"...and you probably also have "big hair". right? right?
Yinzers are the worse folks when it comes to talking sports or politics. The only folks I've seen in more denial about the impact of sexual assault on victims in particular would be those further east in the state, around Happy Valley way.
Hey, I'm a Steelers fan, but I don't condone or defend what Big Ben did. That also doesn't change the fact that Ray Lewis is a killer.
And I'm guessing I'm talking to someone like this...which means I'm probably wasting my time. :(
Shouldn't have allowed morally questionable folks to join your army. (That usually is what brings on the 'bad endings' in Ogre Battle games.)
The game has a weird difficulty curve...there's a couple places in the middle of the game that are harder than the end; and the characters do become way overpowered or meaningless by the end of the game.
The gameplay is great; the story is awful (I suspect it would suck even if it hadn't been so horribly translated).
Happy Valley blows.
This guy is an Ohio State fan. Morals aren't his strong suit.
"rhythmic slapping sounds"
They're idiots. I know there's no 'official' definition of an 'economic depression' (some say a loss of 10% or more of GDP in a year), but in the last depression we had in the 1930s people were dying of hunger and malnutrition-related illnesses in far greater numbers than right now...and unemployment rates were twice…
China isn't really "communist", despite the name; just like how Republicans in the United States aren't really for a republic, but a fascist theocratic oligarchy. Communism wouldn't allow any sort of private corporate ownership (China's allowed some since the 1980s, I believe). It's restricted but it's there. If…
I don't play or purchase games ridden with DRM crap. Period. And I suspect a large portion of games also go out of their way to avoid it, especially the games that are "online only". What a joke.
It hurts when other people point out what an asshole you're being, doesn't it?
ah, so you're a dick. gotcha
Sure are a lot of Penn State homers in here who are okay with a school not getting punished for harboring a pedophile and allowing him to anally rape boys at his leisure.
didn't this already happen in the NFL earlier this season? life imitating art?
such an eloquent defense for a murderer. Too bad he implicitly admitted to it by paying off the families rather than fight to keep his name clean. I remember that Suge Knight gives back to his local community as well, just like Ray Lewis.
cool story bro