Whoever thought up that particular comparison probably needs their meds, as well.
Whoever thought up that particular comparison probably needs their meds, as well.
But mostly masturbation tales, no doubt.
Sounds about right for the D.
someone sounds jealous
I remember watching that as a kid. Man, that was a ripoff, even considering there was no other X-Men cartoons at the time. (The NES game that was released around the same time was disappointing as well.)
Having recently quit nicotine myself, I can see where long-term withdrawal symptoms might mess up his concentration/mechanics subtly enough in such a situation.
LOL defense lawyers. Just here to add my stamp to this thread. aw yeah
Why you hatin? Sounds like an awesome party.
All Nintendo cares about is catering to babies and their moms. Fuck that.
your name is appropriate
This song came to mind.
Drew, I agree with your article. Well done, sir. Well done. Larry David is 1000x better than Seinfeld, who is a goddamn hack.
I'd hit it.
look what you started
dude, go lift some weights bro
I'd hit it!
they are fake as fuck
Meh. THQ has been pretty mediocre since its inception back in the early 90s, so it doesn't really bother me if they hit the scrap heap. It's had a pretty good run considering it started out as a toy making company/shell corporation that made a lot of forgettable video games.
They do have levels for sex offenders in most states.
This article would've been better if the first sentence had read "The state of New York..." #corrections