
We remember this too. Our memories are long.

Probably an equal mixture of bad diet and unlucky genes (in this case).

You know, I'm normally a Steelers fan and don't really care about the Bears, but I'm not sure that particular play was a penalty. Seems like the defender was trying to pull up at the last minute. Maybe I'm just used to watching hard-hitting Steelers football, though.

plus one

I can see the FF series has drifted into a very shallow direction since I stopped playing it around VIII or so. :/

rambling half-assed arguments and graceless ad hominems; I smell troll

You're getting stupider and stupider by the post somehow. How is that bro?

Better selection of games that comes with a much deeper library, the average game is probably cheaper on the DSi than compared to the 3ds, economy is still recovering from a long recession...seems pretty simple to me.

"Talk to me when you make being video homeless as compelling as busting heads and cutting throats."


Oh comes another batch of losing seasons. Nothing will change until things are significantly altered at the top.

They'll be "weekend fill-in writers" on Gawker in three years, in that case.

He's afraid somebody's going to see it and steal it because it's obviously worth something. I think.

Why do I think that this 'Zynga' thing will end up in flames, with somebody being sued and/or sent off to 'Club Fed'?

Wow, awfully defensive about that Apple there. Are you an employee or a stockholder (or...god forbid...a mac fanboy)?

LOL I thought he was trolling from a right-wing angle.

Dude, I have an old dual-core PC from 5 years ago running Vista (strictly a backup) and it still does everything I wanted it to. And the company who made it is only considered "so-so" at best (IIRC) when it comes to quality.

Well, at least you admitted it. The first step to recovery is recognition of the truth.

as a fan of both football and (the earlier) final fantasies; I dunno about this comparison. :/