
Eh...too bad I haven't really cared about Square since they fucked Final Fantasy up around the PS2 era, IMO. Too much of their other material is too hit and miss for me to actually make it a point to look specifically for Square games.

Hmmm. You might need to work on your articles re: editing or something; the fact that you have to issue a clarifying statement on every other one of your articles is a bit concerning. Nothing personal; just trying to offer some feedback.

Somehow I doubt you'll be passing anything on in any pool, except maybe a turd or two. Doubt any woman out there would willingly open her legs for a mouthbreather like you, so I don't have to fear you passing your stupidity on to another generation, at least.

Actually, you don't need to look too hard to figure out where this guy lives, and I suspect if I did a more thorough review I could find a home address and number within 24 hours.

That boy needs to move on to more entertaining ways of getting off like us more normal folks. And by that I mean with a party girl named "Candy" and coke chopped up with MDPV bath salts. Now if he had streamed that I would've been impressed.

LOL, I give this article a 6.0 on the "successful troll" scale.

I think people were scared by the Stallone adaptation decades ago. I honestly believe that helped keep a lot of people from checking the new version out. Which sucks because I have read Dredd comics and can see the potential of a good action movie in its plot. (Haven't seen the new one yet so can't comment, but I was

Just never could really get into Doom3, and I was a big fan of 1&2 as a kid (especially with the modified .wad files thing going on).

Well sir, you just pissed off all the Republicans on Kotaku. I hope you're happy. :(

Why bother? Mac just uses Intel chips nowadays anyway; they're nothing more than glorified Windows emulators half of the time if you're trying to use those overpriced hipster Apple machines for any sort of real gaming.

The only ones I ever bothered playing was "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire" and "Are you Smarter than a 5th grader"? I played the hell out them for a month and then quit after I got sick of it all. There was a good (non-Zynga) app with tons of quizzes (including user-made ones) but they ripped that down after they

It's Utah, so they will find out very soon. You will be shut out from "polite company". :/

Wow, I'm old enough to remember the XCOM and this article still kinda went over my head as far as its relevancy to Kotaku's normal fare. This article summary you've written here isn't bad per se...just seems like maybe this should be more of a Gizmodo/io9 article, I guess. Kinda stretching it there with the obscure

There's a little pre-op transsexual inside of Perry right now, no doubt...riding him like a steer does a cow while the both of them are high off of cocaine and Jesus juice. Then he goes to church the next day and all is forgiven. I already know how this game is played.

lol, good work

Now playing

awesome. not a fan of wrestling anymore, but ECW was the shit

Also, a good way to make FF6 more challenging is to not use the Espers; the game gets really unbalanced about 40% into the game thanks to the Espers' abilities to allow any character to learn magic. Square really should've spent more time dealing with FF6's gameplay issues and bugs; it ruins what could be a great game

Condolences to the deceased's family.

You have Asperger's, don't you?