
lol these are funny. keep the gifs

lol u mad bro

I expect the cougars to blend in with their prey with the trendy music (along with the hipsters), but I doubt that's all 30+-50 year olds, though (or very many, for that matter). I know I missed that nonsense and did not regret it when I finally took a look at it.

I haven't; I'm too old for that BS (in my 30s).

It's more comparable to a strategy game than a RPG. The punter is forcing an analogy that doesn't quite fit here.

But would he be NFL material?

"a few Roman records confirm that there was a criminal who pretended to be king of the Jews that got executed"

Actually, there is no real proof that he existed. And the New Testaments were all written supposedly after both he and his original disciples had died.

I agree that PFT is full of regressive GOP-loving trolls (and people that I suspect are company PR flacks working for the NFL or one of its teams).

Sounds like a real stinker; probably won't even attain cult status like "Jericho".'s still worse. It's where all the AOL scum went after that venture went belly-up.

Seems like he played competent enough to shut Holmes down. Sanchez got his head knocked early in the game and got scared and confused for the rest of it.

IOW, "derp".

Yeah, it's a real legal clusterf-ck as far as I can tell thanks to arachic laws/notions; I would understand why you wouldn't prescribe such a thing outside of certain states. I really hope Obama fixes that soon in some way.

The scheduling of weed as Schedule II (I thought it was I, but I guess they changed that) is archaic and stupid, wouldn't you say?

He's right - the 16-bit era was the golden age for JRPGs (32-bit era was just as good though, if not as ground-breaking).

I'm sorry, were any constitutional rights (something the Beck crowd loves to talk about) broken in this incident? No. And again, when you align yourself with someone with such a persona as Beck, expect some flack at times given his crazy spewings. (I personally would've been a little more diplomatic, but that's just

Nah, anybody who willingly aligns themselves with Beck's shitty agenda deserves whatever crap they get as well (in a non-violent manner, of course).

You trolling with the "sauced" reference? It's still used pretty frequently in the Northeast.

bloomberg strikes again! no soda for you, no fun for anybody!!!