
What, exactly does a “Value Realization Leader” do...besides think up ways to harass Black folks?

It’s like some weird hall monitor instinct. These are definitely the kind of people who, as schoolchildren, made lists of anyone who “misbehaved” while a substitute teacher was in charge so that they could tattle to the regular teacher. These are the kind of people who justify the treatment of migrant children as

I don’t understand how people keep doing this and not think about it might ruin their lives.

You know, some people also didn’t like The Last Jedi because it’s a structurally questionable movie with some bad writing and underdeveloped (or underused) characters.

It was the ambien.

Obviously yes, but that’s “disputed” by these idiots. I just mean shit like

The monuments, statues and icons are a historical fact. And whether you like them, disagree with them or are on a zealous mission, there is no valid excuse for depriving the next generation of them in order to rewrite or sanitize what actually was.

“Let’s start the basics: Slavery was the basic cause of the Civil War, right?”

Someone needs to ask these idiots who claim to learn so much “history” from these monuments factual questions about the civil war. I guarantee most know fuck-all about even completely undisputed facts.

but especially not here.

“What occurred at St. Mary’s Parish this morning does not reflect …”

I see by your username you’re new here, but ... still no excuse. “I was drunk, not racist!” is ... just not going to fly here. Not anywhere, but especially not here.

Oh yes I’m sorry, speaking for those like myself only. But that’s what I meant to be implied I guess, you’re absolutely right.

Here. I think this is what you want...

Before I watched the video, I thought you were joking.

That was criminal-action-comedy movie role played to perfection

really underselling the “throwing chips? that’s a tasing” interaction

The best part is when she fell through the ceiling. 

You could make the case we’ve been in a soft civil war since the last one ended.

Truth is, we are in a soft civil war right now. One side is fighting with denying cheese plates and hurtful words on the Tony Awards. The other side is shooting up newsrooms.