“But Miss 9969773, why didn’t anyone say anything?”
“But Miss 9969773, why didn’t anyone say anything?”
Nope. It’s nothing even remotely resembling fine. It’s clear now why Kennedy felt he had to resign and flouted historical SCOTUS procedure in order to do it – but arguably he should’ve recused himself from even reviewing Citizens’ United (since his son was potentially under investigation at the same time for…
When future children are in history class and learning about the fall of the country formerly known as the United States, they will be completely dumbfounded as to how all of this was just allowed to happen with no consequences whatsoever.
What is worse about the King of Idiots Hannity is not that he saying these horrible and unsubstantiated things. It’s that the people who listen to and watch his dumb ass do not question or research anything that he says - including Dipshit-in-Chief. Everything he says passes the smell test - even when proven wrong.…
“By the way, and if [Hillary Clinton] gets to pick —if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.”
- Donald J Trump 9 aug 2016
Thats not an accurate quote.
Fucking Sean Hannity. Blockheaded piece of garbage. I loathe a lot of these right-wing turds, but my level of disgust for him is particularly high. I hope I live long enough to see him brought low.
What’s it like to be an actual piece of shit that can type?
Wow, gun violence AND an assault on a free press all in one? It’s like the conservative dream.
This is 100% ridiculous. You have no idea whether or not there affordable African-American employment lawyers who were willing and able to take his case in his area. Please stop.
He’s anti-Black because he hired a white lawyer?
Its hard to grow up in America and not be anti black.
Um, you may have read the wrong article. It’s his co-workers that hate people of other races, not him.
Parents on one flight, kids on the other?
This dude actually tried the hard R distinction.
Someone said it yesterday, but this is an exact embodiment of the frog and the scorpion nearly to the ‘t’.