
Bismarck. Not Even Once.

To paraphrase Chris Rock: there’s white people, and there’s crackers. And the crackers have got to go.

But “alt-left” is so fetch!

Oh, CNN has done a hell of lot of that by inviting Kellyanne Conway on every damned day during the election to spew her talking points unchallenged.

Yep... we get stuck with President LePetomane while these guys will be riding off into the sunset. :-(

Not a problem, I fully understand. As I said, you make very good points and you’ve given me a lot to think about. :-)

At least he won’t mix up their names in bed... I’m dead certain he shouts out his own name.

Full disclosure: So can I but I don’t come here to brag about it.

(Raises hand.) But I’m weird, so there’s that. 

On the other hand, if it had been a bag of money, it would have had a huge “$” printed on it. Everyone knows that.

God, Mitt’s expression in that photo...... he looks exactly like you’d expect someone to look immediately after they sell their soul.


Full disclosure: I’m a bad person to ask about this because I can easily afford 5% or even 10% price hikes in everything. :-)

If the price of a Big Mac suddenly went up $0.17 (from $4.80 to $4.97, or about 3.5%), Americans would shrug and pay the extra 3.5% Because that’s what they do every year ... only they pay even more:

No, I said nothing about the $15/hour part. You claimed there were only two places that money could come from: raising prices or automation. I showed you a third — lowering the compensation packages for gold-collar employee (like me; I’m a CEO). You may not like that idea, but it’s a perfectly viable source of

I was not talking about eliminating CEOs or Board Members. But the people at the top of the pyramid have extremely high compensation, given that the people at the bottom are not making a living wage. Some of that money could “trickle down” to move workers closer to $15/hour. Even a dollar-a-day extra per worker is

No, but maybe instead of the CEO raking in 7.9 million per year, they only take 6.9 million. Ditto for the board members.

Good point; I forgot about the franchise aspect. But then, those local business owners are paying the corporation for the right to run a McDonalds... I wonder how much?

People who want manufacturing jobs to return are not delusional. But people who think Trump will make it happen are.